The Ghosts of Christmas, Part 4

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"Rain? Are you alright?" An unfamiliar voice asked and a gentle hand landed on her shoulder. After coughing a few times in an attempt to rid her mouth of stomach acids, Rain raised her head weakly to see who was speaking. A rather handsome looking young man with black hair squatted in front of her, a worried expression on his face.

"Who, who are you?" Rain's voice barely made it past her lips. Still feeling sick to her stomach. The man blinked before a look of realization crossed his features, making Rain wonder how he knew her and where he was from as he didn't look like he was from this era.

"Oh, right, you haven't met me yet. I'm Jack, you'll meet my past self in your future so I can't tell you anything else. Are you okay? Where's the Doctor?" The man, Jack, asked her as he returned to his concerned state. Rain huffed a few more breaths before attempting to speak again.

"He's... inside." Was all she managed before bile rose in her throat again. Causing Rain to quickly lean back over the side of the steps, heaving. Jack rubbed her back gently, wiping a few fly away hairs out of her face. Waiting patiently for her to stop again.

"Odd that he hasn't come charging out here yet. He's always fussing over your well being and being protective of you." Jack murmured to himself as Rain finished her bout. Rain furrowed her brow at him.

"What?" She rasped out. Jack sighed.

"You'll see, just wait. I should probably get going, he can't meet me yet. I hope whatever's causing this goes away for you, Dragon Girl." Rain's eyes went wide and Jack winked at her. With a quick friendly pat on the head Jack disappeared into the night, only moments before hurried footsteps echoed from behind the door. In the next second the Undertakers front door flew open and Rose and the Doctor charged out. The Time Lord was immediately in front of Rain and looked her over almost frantically.

"Rain, what happened? Why'd you run out?" Rose asked as she sat down next to her friend. The Doctor was frowning hard, having glanced over the side on the steps and seen the result of Rain's heaving.

"You were throwing up?" He questioned, not understanding what had caused this reaction in his companion. Gently he took her face in his hands, tilting it so he could see her better in the dim light from the street lamps. He took notice of the cold and clammy feel of her skin and just how sickly pale her complexion had become. Her veins were nearly visible, Rain's skin was so transparent. Rain just let her eyes slide shut as a garbled groan crawled past her lips.

"Doctor, what's wrong with Rain?!" Rose began to panic, seeing just how bad the ravenette's condition was. He shook his head.

"I don't know. Maybe has something to do with the séance? Rain? Rain, come on Sleeping Beauty, what's wrong?" The Doctor asked her in a soft, worried tone that sent butterflies fluttering though Rain's already unsettled stomach. Once again bile rose in her throat. She jerked away from the Doctor's grasp, heaving over the steps for the third time.

"I don't like this Doctor. The Gleth wanting our dead is bad enough. Is it possible they did this to her?" Rose asked, squeezing her friend's shoulder with worry. The Doctor just shook his head, not knowing what to make of it.

"Here," The Doctor pulled a small flask of something from the inner pocket of his leather jacket as Rain weakly sat up once again, shakily wiping her mouth with the back of her bandaged left hand. Her right one still clutched to her chest in pain. "Drink this, it should settle your stomach." He had to help her hold the flask to her mouth as her hand was shaking too much. After a few sips Rain sighed in relief as her stomach stopped roiling. Now she just felt exhausted and dizzy. The Doctor pocketed the flask before turning back to Rain.

"Alright, feeling any better?" He asked her softly. Rain nodded only slightly, not having the strength to do anything more. The Doctor sighed before carefully pulling Rain into his arms, lifting her bridal style.

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