Enemy of The Time Lord, Part 1

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Top left is the Truths Fang, below that is The Guardian of Thoughts, below that is The Dream Feather where Rain holds her Animus power, bottom right is The Hidden Vault, and to the left of that is The Guardian's Pendant which is used later in this episode. 

Wearing the Healer's Stone necklace all night had soothed the aching muscles in her back and shoulders. For that, Rain was glad. She didn't want to have to try lying to Rose and the Doctor about why she was so sore. The brilliant but soft colors of the sunrise reminded Rain of the sunset the night before and the freedom she'd felt as she flew for hours on end. Rain hadn't realized just how much she'd needed it.

"Alright, TARDIS, what have you picked for me today?" Rain hummed softly as she stepped into her closet in search of clothes for the day. Her eyes immediately found the outfit laid out on the cushioned chair next to the vanity. Raising her eyebrows slightly at the black silk Chinese top. An odd choice, but it wouldn't look bad on her.

After quickly dressing and donning her usual animus jewelry, Rain exited her room. Gandering down the hallways in the direction of the console room. Neither Rose nor the Doctor were in sight when she reached it. Spotting a book resting on the captain's seat, Rain wandered over to it curiously.

"Ah, good morning Rain." The Doctor greeted cheerfully as he entered the console room minutes later. Pausing when his eyes caught sight of the book the Italian girl held gently in her hands.

"Good morning, Doctor." Rain smiled at him. "You left this lying about. I must say, even though I can't read it, your language is quite the wonder to observe."

"You could say that." The Doctor murmured lightly as she handed the book back to him and he slipped it back into his pockets. Hoping she wouldn't ask him about the meaning of it's contents.

"Pardon my intrusion, but it looked hand written. Is it yours?" Rain inquired nervously, hoping she wasn't overstepping his boundaries. The Doctor's almost inaudible sharp intake of breath was more than enough answer to that.

"Sorry, forget I asked." Rain spoke quickly. "Where are we headed today?" The Doctor swallowed hard before attempting to answer her.

"It's, it's fine, Rain. Yes, it's mine." He revealed quietly before quickly taking up her change in topic.

"And I don't know yet. Might just set the TARDIS on random and see were we end up." The Doctor grinned, though she could still see the pain writhing deep in his eyes.

"Good morning you two!" Rose crowded as she strutted into the room with a beaming smile on her face.

"Good morning Rose." Rain smiled back at her friend.

"Right, let's see where we're headed today then." The Doctor rubbed his hands together with anticipation before bonding over to the console, attacking it with fervor. The TARDIS jolted into motion, causing Rose and Rain to scramble for hand holds in order to avoid being thrown to the floor. Barely a minute into the flight an alarm went off, followed immediately by flashing lights.

"Hold on!" The Doctor called, racing to flip a different set of switches and yank a large lever. A second later the ship landed, the Doctor barely glancing at the monitor before striding out the door.

"So what is it? What's wrong? Rose asked as she and Rain peeked out the doors before following the Time Lord out into the dark hallway.

"Don't know." The Doctor mused. "Some kind of signal drawing the TARDIS off course."

"Like a distress signal?" Rain asked with a slight frown as she peered through the shadows.

"Something like that." He agreed.

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