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Sarah's P.O.V
~The next day~

I wake up to Harry kissing my nose. I giggle, and open my eyes.

"Good morning, princess." Harry smiles.

"Good morning, Haz." I giggle.

I get out of bed, and go into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a shower.

When I walk out, Harry is sitting on the bed waiting for me.

"So, I was thinking maybe we can take Lily to the park." He says.

"That sounds like fun." I shrug.

"Yeah, it's 12:35, so what time-" I cut him off.

"Wait! It's 12:35?! I slept for that long?!" I ask frantically.

"Yeah, I was kind of worried." Harry says.

I sigh. "I'm sorry, and we can go as soon as Lily gets ready." I say.

"Okay, I'll go wake her up." Harry says, getting up.

"Did she oversleep, too?" I ask.

"No, she woke up a few hours ago and had some breakfast, then went back to sleep." He says.

"Oh okay." I say.

Harry leaves the room.

Harry's P.O.V

I quietly open Lily's bedroom door. I walk in, and sit on the edge of her bed.

"Wake up, Lily." I say, lightly shaking her.

"Come on Lily." I say, shaking her more.

Was I starting to get worried...

It never took her this long to wake up.

I lean in close, and hear if she's breathing...

She's not....

~Later on that day~

"I'm sorry, but you can't see her yet!" One of the nurses said.

"Why not?!" I snap.

Sarah and I have been in the hospital's waiting room for three hours now.

I was getting very impatient, and I needed to know what was wrong with my daughter. And I needed to know now.

"Harry, I'm scared! W-What if she's dead!" Sarah cries.

"Don't worry, baby, Lily's going to be fine!" I say, hugging her.

But in all honesty, I didn't think she was...
~An hour later~

The doctor walks up to us, and Sarah and I both stand up.

"How is she? Is she okay? Can I see her?" I ask.

"Yes, she's fine." The doctor says, and Sarah and I sigh in relief.

"What happened?" Sarah asks.

"She went into cardiac arrest." The doctor says.

"Cardiac arrest? What's that?" I ask.

"It's a sudden stop in effective blood circulation due to failure of the heart." She says.

"So, all of this stuff happened while she was sleeping? How could that be possible? She's a healthy little girl!" I say.

"It doesn't matter if she's healthy or not. It just happens.." She says.

I sigh.

"So, what now?" Sarah asks.

"Well, you can go see her now, and I suggest to keep a good eye on her for a few weeks, and make sure she drinks a lot of water. She is very dehydrated." The doctor says.

"Okay." I nod.

"Okay, right this way.."

We walk into the room to see our little girl hooked up to wires.

I actually start to cry, and so does Sarah.

We sit down, and I hold her tiny little hand in my large one.

We sit in silence for about ten minutes, but that's until I hear a faint little voice.

"Mommy, daddy?"

I smile.

"Hi baby girl." I coo, standing up, and stroking her face.

"Hi daddy." She says softly.

"I'll go get a nurse." Sarah says, leaving the room.

I look down at Lily. She was so small and frail.

Sarah soon comes back with a nurse.

"How are you feeling, Lily?" The nurse smiles.

"Good." Lily smiles back.

"Well, that's good. You'll be able to go home soon, okay?" She says.

"Okay." Lily smiles.

The nurse walks out, and Lily says, "Daddy, can you cuddle me?" I smile at her.

"Sure baby."

I climb in bed with her, and I carefully wrap my arm around her. She rests her head on my stomach, and I play with her hair.

"Well, that's adorable." Sarah smiles.

"I know you want to get in on this action." I smirk.

"You're right, I do, but I'm tired." She says.

"Then just go home, babe. I'll bring Lily home." I say.

"Are you sure?" Sarah asks.

"Yes, just go home." I say.

"Alright, if you say so.."

She says a quick goodbye to Lily along with a kiss, then leaves...

Sarah's P.O.V

When I get home, I sigh with relief. I couldn't wait to get in the bed, and take a nap. I was very tired..

I enter the house, and walk upstairs, then enter the bedroom.

I gasp when I see someone laying on the bed.

"It's about time you decided to come home.."

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