Chapter 4

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(Y/n) POV

While I was eating my lunch on the classroom quietly, the girls started staring at me.

Wait a second, can you please stop staring at me, it's creeping me out you know. Just how useless and pitiful do you girls think I am.

The next thing I knew, a random girl suddenly approached me.

"Um.... hey.. your name is (l/n) right?"


"Y-you know, I Think you're really cute. Why don't we try going out sometimes?"

While she said those words she had a slight blush on her face. Not to mention, she was really cute. However her cuteness wasn't enough to sway my mind.

I have seen this before...


"Hey (l/n)-kun, you know I think you're really cute. Why don't we go on a date sometimes?"

The cute energetic girl in my class said to me with a smile on her face.

"S-sure, how about tomorrow."

The next day:

When I arrived at our meeting place I waited 20 minutes for her to arrive. Until it went to 30 minutes, 50 minutes, and lastly 1 hour and 30 minutes have passed. While still waiting for her at the meeting place. I saw her on the street with another boy. That boy was really good looking not to mention he looked rich.

"Hey, you know I pranked a boy yesterday by pretending to ask him on a date and I can't believe that he actually believed me."

"That guy must really be an idiot."

Flashback end:

"Uh.... I'm sorry but, I'm not interested in those kind of things."

I tried acting nice but unfortunately, she suddenly got teary eyed.

"I see........"

Damn I feel so bad right now.

"But still can I ask you one thing?" She asked.

"What is it?"

"Can I ask for the name of the person you like?"

I froze when I heard her question.

The person I like? Do I have such thing?

"I'm sorry, but, I don't have a person I like."

"It's okay you don't have to lie to me. I promise that no matter how painful it is I'm going to endure."

Suddenly, whispers entered the classroom.

"Ugh, I can't believe he just made a girl cry."

"Oh my gosh! He's such a jerk."

"Even though a cute girl asked him out he still rejected her."



Everyone started to stare at me. The boys were sending me death glares while the girls started laughing.

Sh*t what's with this situation.

While sitting in my chair frozen, one of the girl's whispers caught my attention.

"He should atleast tell her whom he likes after rejecting her."

That's right! If I just say some random name everything will be fixed. But, what name should I say.

I tried to recall what happened an hour ago.

Another flashback:

It was earlier when lunch break was about to start. I looked at the black board of our classroom, there was something written on it.

Students in charge of today's cleaning duty:

Hayasaka Ai

Shinomiya Kaguya

Flashback end:

I inhaled and exhaled.

"The person I like is......."


Kaguya POV

It was lunch break. I was heading towards the student council, but, I suddenly remember that I left something in our classroom.

When I arrived I started to get confused because all of my classmates were staring at my direction. Then I noticed that I wasn't the person they were looking at, it was the transfer student.

The transfer student inhaled and exhaled.

"The person I like is........."

All of the students in the classroom stared at him especially the girls.

"Hayasaka Ai."

When I heard him say Hayasaka's name I froze.

N-no way! I can't believe it! The transfer student is in love with Hayasaka!


Hayasaka POV

It was lunch break. Me and my friends sat outside under the tree. While we were eating quietly, a female student from my class approached us.



Me and my friends tilted our head towards her.

"You wouldn't believe it."

"Wouldn't believe what?"

While chewing food I stared at her in confusion.

"The transfer student is in love with you."

After hearing what she said I choked. I reached out for my water bottle to stop the choking. After I finished drinking, I replied to her announcement.

"W-what? No no! There's no way!"

Without knowing it I started blushing.

"Oh my gosh! Hayasaka is stuttering."

"Don't tell me you have a crush on the transfer student."

My friends kept teasing me nonstop until we finished eating.


Classes were over and everyone was heading home while I was stuck in our classroom cleaning. Suddenly, the door opened and revealed a (H/C) haired boy.

"Um... hello."

W-what?! Why is the transfer student here?!

"H-hi. Do you need something?"

"Yes, I need something from you." He answered while his face was a bit red.

Oh no! Mabey the rumours were true. Mabey he really is in love with me!

"W-what is it?"

My body started shaking as I started at him.

"Well... I."


(Y/n) POV


Damn the temperature here is so hot, I'm turning red.

"I.......want you to give me back my other airpods. "

When I let out the words I wanted to say, she sighed and looked to her left as she took my other airpods from her bag and gave it back to me.


After returning it, she left the classroom.

Hayasaka POV

After I left the classroom I decided to go home. I stopped at the entrance and stared at the floor.

Damn that was so embarrassing I actually thought he was going to confess to me!

Hayasaka Ai x Loner Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now