Chapter 4- Coffee*

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** From the Author: Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read my story. I appreciate it.  I hope you enjoy even half as much as I have enjoyed writing it. ** I do not own the rights to this picture

Maureen POV

I feel so damn antsy, feeling like I'm going to jump out of my skin any minute!! 

**That's because we need MATE!-Shelia snaps

*I know! I'm going as fast as I can so we can go see him soon. I have to make sure the pack affairs are in order first. You know that!!

I've been looking forward to seeing my mate all day and have been working my butt off to wrap up my 'to do' list so I can get the hell out of here ASAP!! 

So, I push myself through my Alpha and pack business before racing up to my place to shower and get dressed.

I attempt  to select the 'perfect' outfit, which is easier said than done tonight,  for encountering my mate again before swiftly leaving the house, making my way to a certain business on the other side of town.

I'm so excited as I head out to the convenience store to visit my handsome mate that I ignore Lucille's giggling behind me and focus on my destination. My gosh, I'm so nervous! There's not much which makes me nervous but damn, just the thought of being around my mate makes my heart pound. 

I finally pull into a crowded parking garage, which is near my human mate's workplace, secure my vehicle, and make a beeline toward a certain store.

I briskly walk through the door, hearing the customer alarm bell and instantly the smell of chocolate and peppermint is overwhelming my senses. I immediately scan the area for my hardworking mate and find him across the store,  where he seems to be concentrating on locating something specific on the tobacco shelf behind the counter. I slowly move toward him, pretending to look at items, mindlessly picking stuff up along the way. I finally get close to him and Shelia is going nuts in my mind!

*Calm down. You're making it worse. - I bite at her.

I head toward the checkout  counter and I see him intently looking at me with a big smile spread across his face. 

My heart sinks and I hear Shelia growl!

**MATE has bruises and has been hurt!

He beautiful smile stretches from ear to ear and says, "You were in here last night, weren't you? Sweets? Chocolate and peppermint is your poison, right?" His voice is music to my ears! 

I grin like a cheshire cat because he remembers us!

 Shelia is overjoyed, practically bouncing off the walls of my mind!

"Um, yeah, that's me. Oh, what happened?"  I hesitantly ask while slowly bringing my finger up, pointing to my face to indicate his bruises although I really want to touch soft skin to comfort him.

"Um, an accident," he quickly replies while looking down, seemingly embarrassed at having attention drawn to his angry looking injuries. His eye avoidance and red blush which spread across his defined cheeks are fast indicators of that.

**LIE! Something is wrong with MATE! -Shelia yells

I suddenly glance at his black and white name tag, which is attached to his work vest, because I realize I still don't know his name.

It reads Wyatt!

"Hi, my name is Wyatt. What is your name?" he swiftly asked me, apparently trying to change the subject away from the topic of his facial bruises.

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