Chapter 77- Lets Dance

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Maureen POV

I'm sprinting full force toward this sorry excuse for an alpha with Brutus close beside me. My focus is solely on the conniving scumbag, who is snarling and baring his canines at me. 

In my peripheral, I notice Brutus slam into a scraggily looking wolf and instantly begin brawling. 

Toby slightly flinches and I anticipate him pouncing so I skid low on my side and rake my claws along his belly! He growls out in pain while blood spurts from his  gnarly wound. 

I take advantage of his momentary surprise at getting injured and attack him again. I jump toward him and attempt a swipe at his right shoulder. I don't inflict the damage I'm aiming for and he takes  a bite toward my neck. He doesn't get to clamp down, yet he gets close enough to deeply scrape my skin so I now have blood streaming down my neck and shoulder blade. 

He may be hurt yet he's also angry! Pain and anger can be interesting motivators!!!!

My attack isn't so much a surprise but a need to take advantage of his weakness. I didn't reach my goal but now he knows he will have to focus and truly fight to take me down. 

His eyes are brimming with fury as we circle each other. 

We do the dangerous 'dance' of an all out brawl, both of us knowing it's either death or submission. Submission is not an option for me and I've known him long enough to know it's  not on the table for him either!

Both of us now have wounds and blood covering our coats.

Toby suddenly shifts back to his human form!

'Stay alert!' Shelia snaps

His face holds a smug smirk, like a little kid with a secret. However, he doesn't look calm or relaxed  though despite his cocky smile.  

'He has nothing to he smug about, at all!' Shelia quips

I'm cautious with Toby's quick change, darting my eyes about for abrupt danger. 

My eyes land back on Toby and his face is slowly morphing into a scowl.

His shoulders are tensing by the second, his hands are clinched into fist.

"Why isn't she immobile yet??!!" he angrily yells out to what appears to be no one actually.  He brings his balled up fist to his sides, reminding me of a child having a tantrum. 

'What is he planning?!' Shelia asks

'No idea' I slowly reply

'You think he's talking about a witch's spell?' I further inquire to Shelia

'If he is dealing with witches then that explains his surprise and anger right now. He doesn't know that that precious brownie earlier helped protect you against them!' Shelia comments

Toby is now standing completely still and fuming, his eyes burning holes into me. 

He swiftly lunges toward me while shifting mid-air!!

I instantly sprint directly at him, ready to end this!

Toby is close to me when I see a glint toward my left out of my peripheral vision.

He quickly shifts back to human, quickly grabs something mid-air and buries the object into my side, between my shoulder blade and spine! I try to alter my position and get away from this basterd!

Damn, the pain!!

It feels like it is searing my flesh, agony radiating throughout my body!

'SILVER! Stay focus!' Shelia demands 

'End this soon!!! Rip his throat out!!!' she furiously instructs

I stay standing, although I'm not sure for much longer. 

'Just stand longer than him!' Shelia says

Toby stands, naked in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest. 

"I had hoped you would have chose the path of being my mate! But NO!!! You just had to be as stubborn as always Maureen! So now you've chosen death! I will take over your pack, businesses, everything!!" he screams at me, a vein bulging from his forehead. 

While he's ranting and spewing his delusional crap I'm inching my way closer.

"We could have been such a powerful couple......

I pounce onto him, aiming for his throat!!

He is so caught in his stupid tirade that he acts genuinely surprised at my attack. 

'Probably thought that silver dagger was enough to kill us! Damn pathetic mutt!' Shelia growls

I'm latched onto his throat and am tightening my grip by the second. I lash around, treating him like a rag doll. After lashing about for a bit, I stop and clamp down hard until I hear a few cracks. Then, finally on loud snap. 

Toby's body lays limp but I'm still not satisfied!!!!

I rip his head from his body!!!

His blood is dripping from my muzzle but I could care less. It just shows I've dealt with his sorry, selfish ass. 

My vision is getting blurry, spots dancing along the edge of the blurriness, my ears ringing!

I try to locate Wyatt. I try move my legs away from Toby's disgusting corpse.

Neither happens as blackness takes me!! 

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