Chapter 78- Taking Out the Trash

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Brutus POV

I've been fighting about seven creatures so they keep away from Maureen. I know she's in her own battle against Toby, which I despise to my very core and just want to blast his despicable ass away, but I know she is extremely capable!!! She needs to face him and win!!! 

I'm keeping an eye on their fight while I maneuver around my own opponents. Sure, my element is fire and I can use it during brawls. But, one has to be mindful of fire. It can spread quickly with devastating effects. So, I can't just blast these creatures with fire like I actually want to!! I can't risk starting a massive fire for the brownies. There's too much wood, too many homes & stores around!!

I turn my attention back to my own fights!! I make a fatal swipe at the neck of a mangy, dirt covered wolf when suddenly I feel excruciating  pain pierce throughout my body!! My eyes immediately search out Maureen and see she is struggling!! Then, I see it!! A dagger plunged into her side!! 


She's still fighting, determination etched throughout her stance. But, if my pain is even a small fraction of what she is feeling I don't know how much longer she can last. She needs help!!

'Hold on sweetie! Please! We've got to help her! Soon Brutus'-Wyatt screams in my head

'I know! We will, hang on!!'- I reply back to him. 

My desperation is growing, so is my speed and power to end my fights so I can get to my mate!!

I turn to those around me and focus on quickly ending all of them!

 With Maureen in such immediate danger my claws and canines grow.

I feel the familiar burning in my chest. 

Then, I'm off!!

Attacking with speed and precision!!

Within seconds every creature who challenged me lay dead on the ground!!

Throats slit!

Entrails and blood litter the dirt and grass!

I speed toward Maureen's side, who is now laying unconscious on the ground. I gently touch her neck with my nose to inhale her scent for reassurance and to check her pulse. I move toward her injury and begin to lick around the sliver dagger, careful to avoid touching it. I also don't shift into my human form in order to pull it out because I know that that could cause her further injury. Also, we are  without medical personnel or equipment nearby so extracting the dagger right now is really not a good idea!!  

I mind link the entire pack:

                         ' Alpha Maureen is seriously injured. I need anyone, I do not care species, who is                                      known to be on our side to immediately travel to my location. NOW!!'

I instantaneously hear 'Yes Sir' back.

I send out our location and continue to lick around her wound until I hear a female voice reply through the pack mind link:

                         'Sir, I have a brownie healer. I know for a fact she is a trusted ally. I'm in route to you                             and ETA 2 minutes.'

Shortly, I hear wolf paws speeding toward us. I smell the light brown, black spotted she-wolf and new comer. I instantly lift my eyes to see the wolf come to a sudden halt directly beside Maureen. 

The petite female brownie healer with dark brown hair, which is pulled into an intricate braid, although it's very dishevelled. Her face and arms have dirt and cuts littering her tanned skin. 

She quickly looks at me, nods her head, and gets to examining my mate. 

"Sir, my name is Kiely. I'm a brownie healer in a nearby cottage hospital. All brownie healers are combat medically trained in addition to our regular medical instruction. I will do my best."

She carefully places one hand on my mate's skin where the dagger enters her body. Then, she firmly positions her other hand above the dagger's handle. She begins muttering chants, which I don't understand, yet I see Maureen's skin doesn't look so angry now. Kiely is concentrating and her eyes are focused on the dagger's entrance point.

I see the dagger slowly being extracted from Maureen's body and my worry skyrockets!

Kiely must sense my strong aura and she suddenly states, "Sir, I'm slowly removing the dagger while simultaneously healing the internal wounds it caused. That way, there's less likelihood of damage and complications from the removal as well as infection afterward. It takes time, concentration, and energy but it can be done."

She once again goes silent and continues the process of drawing out the knife.   

The entire time Kiely works on my mate my heart breaks. I can feel her pain, her anxiety even is she is unconscious. I continue my task of licking Maureen's cheek and hands. By doing so, I'm aiding with her recovery, even if just a little, and offering her comfort in some way.

"Sir, I've successfully removed the dagger. I believe I've repaired her internal injuries enough to transport her to a medical facility" she informs me.

I look directly at her since I'm still in wolf form. I dip my head to show my appreciation and respect for what she has done for us. I'll make sure to thank her directly later while in human form. 

I mind link the female wolf, whose name I learn is Diyan, about us leaving.

               'We will be transferring Alpha Maureen to the nearest medical building. I need you to                         bring Kiely. Have someone come behind us to take out the trash and bury it.'

               'Sir, what trash?'- she asks while she tilts her head.

I stare into her eyes, then move until I'm facing Toby's body and severed head. I spit out a fire ball, just a small one. For a second, I gaze at the flames, my flames, eat away at that scum's corpse.  

Afterward, I turn my back on his remains, never sparing another moment or look at that greedy, self-serving waste of fur. 

I carefully lay beside my love and Kiely gently helps to place Maureen on my back. 

With Maureen on my back, we slowly make our way to the nearest medical unit to get further assistance for the of love of my life. Although I hate having to go slow while my mate in hurt, I understand why. I can't risk re-injuring Maureen's internal wounds. 

We have not long left the area that has a fire burning when a male pack member wolf jogs by, heading toward the blazing trash. At least we don't have to worry about Toby ever again! We will deal with the rest of his pack later, together. Right now, I'll take care of my mate!! 

The Red Wolf's MateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz