In the meantime, I daydreamed of September. I would finally see Kurapika again. And Gon, Killua and Leorio. I was most exited to see Kurapika though, with his handsome self. What if he somehow confessed like in one of those romance animes? I would totally freak the heck out.

I imagined his blond locks swaying in the wind as his grey eyes stared at me. Or red, I don't mind either. I mean, he looks hot with both. What if he took his shirt off? Would he have abs? Probably, because he is a hunter after all. So am I. I wonder if I look pretty to him.

The long night continued on for long. I started shivering and I squirmed against the ninjas grip. His muscular arm fastens even harder against my middle and I let out a involuntary squeak. I vaguely remember hearing from Aran that I should never show fear in the eyes of the enemy. Too late now.

Eventually, the trees thinned out and opened up to a large clear cove surrounded by more tall trees. Like a hidden village. (Haha, kinda like naruto)

I groaned from the blood in my head, clouding up my vision. It hurt and I tried to wiggle free again. Failed mission. The ninja holding me was built and he was very strong.

I was bonded with aura-repulsing chains and set on the cold, hard floor of the vast entrance room of the main ninja building. The light flickered once. A stray splinter dug into my calf, making me wince in slight pain.

"Welcome to our village, Aiko-Sama. We're honored to have you here." A smooth perfect pitched voice echoed in the empty room.

I grumpily shook my head and gazed lazily up at the ceiling. "You don't really think that I believe that right? And can you come down from the ceiling dude, it's creepy."

A slim woman detached herself from the grey stone and landed gracefully on the ground, her hair flowing out behind her.

Like Illumi's. I'm jelly.

She flickered her long fingers and the chains keeping me from moving where released. The clankingly fell in the cold stone and rattled against eachother. I fingered my wrists and flopped my feet. Then I got up and stretched, hearing my joints pop. She sent an alluring gaze at me and then smirked.

"You sure don't panic like others. Interesting. And you knew that I was hiding."

"Just a habit of mine to distrust everything. Even such a beautiful woman such as yourself." I flirted.

I saw her noticeable blush and hide her face with a spare hand. She then cleared her throat and stood straight, her back steel. She carried herself with power and dignity. A real role model. Except for the kidnapping part.

"Well, I have studied you ever since you arrived in this land. And must I say, you impressed me." She started.

"I have recently been searching for a candidate for my experiments and sadly you where the only girl fitting my wants. You have incredible power and nen locked up inside you and I would like to help unlock it.

You have heard of the term, Hunters. I am one myself. I own a pack of ninjas at my command and I would like a successor for when I pass."

I scoffed. A successor?, who the hell would want to be that. To much responsibility. And then she talked on.

"I have discovered a serum that I still need to test. If my, and my scientists, are correct, you should inherit your power times three or even more. It would give you immense aura and intimidation. You may even get extra side effects, but we don't worry to much about that. The only condition is that you have to take over this village before I leave this cruel world."

As she finished, I had already long weighed the pros and cons of trusting this pretty kidnapper. If she told the truth, what would happen to me and my power? Would I become like Illumi?

I wished to be strong, yes, but what if it backfired? I could end up with uncontrollable power and maybe even hurt someone. I eyed the lady and I saw her smirking at my thinking stance. I clicked my tongue and tilted my head. She looked like she meant business.

"Why did you have to kidnap me though, I could have just come on my own." I said in confusion and suspicion.

She snickered and then quickly regained her former posture. "I wanted to have fun, besides, how else would you have found this place?!"

Sighing, I also stand straight. I look her in the eyes and she vaguely flinches at my stare. I sighed again and flexed my hands. Walking forward, I steadied my stride until I was standing infront of her. She was my height. I felt her tense and the air around us thickened. Raising my hand, she suddenly jumped back, soaring across the room and taking a defensive stance.

"What are you doing? I was only gonna shake hands." I chuckle. The glint in my suddenly disturbing green eyes never left.

"Sorry, that was rude." She replied.

Once she returned, we shook hands and I spoke. "I'll give it a go. Don't kill me though."

She nervously laughed and let go.


The lab was black, not white like normal ones. Bright blue lights shone in the dark and illuminated my face and body. I was naked, except for a thin black cloth covering my private parts. I was strung up on a vertical black plank.  

I was in the room alone and I tiredly yawned and stretched as best I could against the restraints. The kidnapper lady and her scientist friends stood behind a black stained window. A lot of beeping noises of different pitches where ringing in my ears.

We had spent the last hour testing to make sure I wouldn't have a strange reaction to any of the medicines that where in the serum. I was perfectly fine thankfully. Several small pangs of a stinging feeling pinched my bare skin. The needles they had used actually hurt  quite a lot.

The woman opened the door from the operating room to the observation room and nodded to me.

"We will start now."


I fleetingly had useless second thoughts but I sheepishly pushed those aside. I was committed now. Just imagine what it'll feel like to be stronger than ever before!

I fixed my eyes on the robot hand that lowered itself to my height and held out a mini syringe. It aimed at my heart and then slowly pierced the skin of my breast. It hurt and I winced at the pain.

Nothing happend.

The robot pushed the neon green liquid into my heart, making a unheard squish when it the needle left my skin. A single drop of mixed blood slid down from the wound and over my covered nipple.

But I felt rested, and quiet. Like the calm before the storm.

And then it happend.

My breathing stopped and I felt blood rushing to my upper half. My heart heavily pulsed and broke my rib cage. It was out of control. Crashing waves of agonizing pain washed through me like repeated tsunamis. The feeling of getting filled up like petrol to a car. I shook as my body yelled it's horror. I felt like I was dying.

Screams filled the unhabitated room. Just like that night very thing ended. Green aura rushed out from my suffering body. It felt just like my terrifing aura but made ten times worse. It scared me even. I struggled in the pain. Red blood staining my eyesight. My veins popping. Hair on end. The torture continued as my eyes blazed the familiar emerald green.

I screamed and yelled in agony, waiting for the torment to stop.

And it did. My blood calmed down and I felt all the pain disappearing and giving me the strength of a thousand holy gods. I felt like I could hold the world in my hands, destroy it if I wanted. I was powerful, that was clear. And it was unbeatable. I had glowing eyes as my body healed itself. Once it was done, I felt like I was reborn for the second time. Even my physical appearance changed. My breasts filled out and my hips widened. My hair was silky and flowed flawlessly in the room. My skin was clear and soft. I even grew an inch.

I broke the restraints and steeled my body. I felt invincible. I smirked evilly at the glass and flicked my finger in its direction.

It broke into a million beautiful shimmering pieces.

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