I walked into the classroom, for the last lesson of the day.: English The teacher had decided that we wouldn't have any more time in class to work on our project, so instead he gave us another assignment we had to make in pairs.

This time however, he made the duo's, so I was stuck with Thomas, my dear dear friend from the party committee.

He clearly didn't have any motivation to do something, which I was getting used to. I couldn't blame him, though. It wasn't like I was really focused.

The date was getting closer and closer and I started to feel very nervous. What if Mia didn't like what I had planned for us? What if she decided that she wasn't that into me after all?

Breathing got harder. It felt like my lungs didn't accept the oxygen I was giving them by breathing.

Was it me, or was it getting very very hot in here?

I started to get dizzy. I walked up to the teacher and asked him if I could go outside to get some air.

While walking out the classroom, I passed Mia.

"Are you okay?" she whispered.

"Not really," was all I could answer.

I walked down the stairs, to the entrance of the school. I had to get some fresh air or I would pass out.

There was a bench outside of the school entrance. I sat down and I started focusing on my breath.
I was born asthmatic and sometimes in stressful situations I had to deal with hyperventilation.

At least I had the perfect pick up line for Mia; she literally took my breath away.

I was lucky that I knew how to handle these situations. At first I always get a bit freaked out, but then I know what to do to snap out of the cycle of hyperventilating.

I felt a hand on my back.


I hadn't noticed that Mia had come after me.

"I just wanted to check in on you and make sure you were okay," she said.

I smiled and started blushing.

"I am now," I answered.

Mia chuckled.

"So, what happened? Did you start to hyperventilate again?" Mia asked.

"Well, I thought about our date and you literally took my breath away."

Wow, okay that sounded way better in my head than when I said it out loud.

But it worked, because Mia blushed like crazy.

The redness on her cute cheeks disappeared and she got serious.

"You only have this when you're really stressed. Why are you stressing so much about this?"

I didn't want to tell her about all the bad thoughts that had crossed my mind. However, I knew I had to be honest with her. We were trying to rebuild something and we had to start trusting each other again.

"I thought about that you might not like what I had planned and then I started panicking and thought you might not wanted to go on a date with me after all and -"

Before I could continue with my rattling, Mia quickly pressed her lips against mine.

"Will you please stop thinking that I don't want to go out with you anymore? Even if you have the most awful date planned, which I highly doubt, I'd still have fun. Because I'd be with you."

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