Chapter twenty-one

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My mind couldn't stop thinking about Harper. I felt so bad about telling our friends that we were besties again and nothing more, but at that moment it felt like the only logical thing to do. I couldn't pretend we were still in a fight, because that was obviously not the case. But at the same time I wasn't ready to tell people the truth eiter, even though Harper was now officially my girlfriend.

It still felt so strange to say it, even though I'd only say it in my own head. Harper was my girlfriend because I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. I was still so happy about it.

That's why I felt so bad, mostly because I didn't really have someone to share my happiness with.

I knew that Harper would tell her parents, which was totally okay. But I just couldn't find the courage to tell Mom.

Maybe I had to, maybe I just had to stop overthinking things and just tell Mom how I felt. Maybe she wouldn't approve, but I mean she wouldn't kick me out either. And even if she did, I knew that Harper's parents would always take me in.

It would obviously not be my ideal scenario, but still.

So it was decided, I was gonna tell my mom I had a girlfriend, that I was in love with a girl.

Now I just had to find the right moment. But there just never is one, right?

So I just had to rip the bandaid off and tell her. It wasn't like the universe would give me a big sign not to say something.

When I got home and I saw my mom sitting on the couch, I knew I had to do it right then and there. Everything was going to be okay.

I walked up to Mom and sat beside her on the couch.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" she asked.

Okay, small talk first obviously. I couldn't just drop a random bomb on her.

"Yeah school was pretty good, nothing special. How are you doing mom?"

"I'm feeling a little less good than usual but still better than a few weeks ago. I'm sure it will pass soon and I'll feel better when I go to sleep."

Okay that was the end of the small talk. Now was the time. I took a deep breath and went for it.

"So mom, there is something I am meaning to tell you for a while. I just want you to hear me out completely before you say something, please don't interrupt me because I'm afraid I won't continue if you do," I started.

My mom nodded, so I continued.

"You probably noticed that Harper wasn't around as much as usual,"

Mom nodded in agreement again.

"There was a reason for that."

I paused for a second and thought about how I was gonna tell her.

Before I could, mom started to speak.

"Sorry honey, I know you said not to interrupt you but I'm not feeling good at all."

Oh god.

"Is there something I can do for you mom?" I asked her.

Mom shook her head. "No not really," she said, "Maybe you can check my temperature because it feels like I'm burning up."

I got the ear thermometer to check mom's temperature, but everything looked good. I could feel she was very hot though, so even though she didn't have a fever something wasn't right.

I started to freak out. What am I supposed to do? I couldn't do this on my own.

Maybe Harper knew what to do, so I texted her to ask if she could come over.

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