Part 25: Mia/Ashton

Começar do início

“Yeah, sure.” I said, giving a small shoulder bump to Heather who was dying to say something that she probably shouldn’t.

“Perfect!” Lilly said, pulling her phone out probably to send the text invite. “Also how did the interview go?” She asked.

“Oh right, the interview!” Heather said, excitement radiating through every inch of her face.

“I was saving the news for dinner when Will was there but I got the internship, right on the spot.” I said, getting a huge hug from Heather.

“That is amazing!!” Heather squealed.

“Told ya.” Lilly said with a grin as she settled in on her bed and got lost to her phone.

“We’ll be celebrating big tonight.” Heather said as she laid her head on my lap, her big bright eyes looking up at me.

“You sure? I don’t want to seem rude since you’re going through your breakup and stuff…” I trailed off.

“Don’t be silly! Best way to forget about it all is to just continue my life as if it never happened.” She said.

“Cause that worked out wonders with me…” I murmured.

“Your situation is different but look you’ve kept on living your life and it’s become easier.” She pointed out, always having to be right Heather. “So what’s the deal with Will? I mean I know you’ve told me about him but he came to your rescue? He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.” She added.

“I told her the boy was head over heels for her.” Lilly pointed out, not looking up from her phone screen.

“Stop it you two, we’re just friends.” I said with a sigh as I jumped out of bed and walked towards my closet, just moving pieces of clothing around pretending to choose an outfit.

“I’ve heard that one before…” Heather murmured under her breath but I decided to ignore her instead. And I was glad I did because even though they were both probably right deep down I figured that if I just kept acting as ‘just friends’ Will would eventually only see me as that.

“We should start getting ready…” I said after I reached over Heather to grab my phone, seeing that it was already four o’ clock.

“Can I pick out your outfit? For old time’s sake.” Heather said with a huge pleading grin that was hard to refuse. So while I showered and did my hair, Heather carefully picked out my outfit, shoes and jewelry before she headed for the showers as well.

I had no idea where Lilly had gone but I was alone in the dorm room while I did my makeup and finished getting ready. The moment of silence bringing me back to that place Heather had brought me back from only minutes ago.

“Stop it Mia…” I whispered to myself in the mirror, my wide brown eyes staring back at me in the mirror. No matter how many weeks had passed, no matter how much easier it was now to keep living my life that boy I had met for a handful of days last summer kept finding a way to get under my skin.

Once Heather was back in the room it didn’t take us long to finish getting ready. Heather happily humming songs beside me, filling the silence with familiar tunes of distant summers and days spent with just the two of us.

“Knock, Knock!” Will said as he pushed the slightly open door to my room. “It seems like I’m here just in time. You girls look great; you look really great Mia.” He murmured, his pale cheeks turning a dark shade of pink as he looked away.  

“Thanks…” I murmured back, avoiding the look I knew my best friend was giving me as I grabbed my coat and bag. “We should go because I am really hungry.”

A Simple Mistake || Ashton Irwin (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora