❧ how the boys act around hér (hyung line)

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❧ suggest me ship names, juseyo (o'∀'人
❧ this is obviously some sort of an article or a blog
❧ help i got lost while trying to write ofd, i have to watch ep 2 again (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)

(The Cinnamon Duo)

Seungcheol is the oldest member of the group – at the same time the main leader – while Chaeyoung was their only female, though unofficial, member. Because of this, Seungcheol usually babies her, relents to her whims no matter how ridiculous it seems, and never snapped at her, or at least when people are looking at them.

He likes to show his love for her by doing small things, whether it be helping her slice an apple (though she keeps claiming she can do it even with a blunt butter knife) or pulling her farther away from the road and switching sides with her as they walk on the street. Sometimes he does extravagant stuff, like sending a coffee truck to her drama set where she appeared for a few episodes.

Moments where they're seen together mostly consist of Chaeyoung holding Seungcheol's sleeve or just really standing close to each other.

(The Devil and the Angel)

Jeonghan is called the CEO of cheating by Carats and Rosénators alike, as there's never a game where he doesn't cheat or trick his way out. On the other hand, Chaeyoung might get competitive sometimes, but she doesn't like playing dirty. Because of this, Jeonghan and Chaeyoung usually clash with their ideals.

He usually acts more behaved when she's around, mostly victimizing the other members except her, or being extra soft. He still teases her like the others, even doing pranks on her sometimes, but never got it too far for her to consider offending or annoying. He claims she's scary when she gets mad.

When they're together, Jeonghan usually rests one hand on her shoulder or vice-versa.

(The Two Angels(?))

Both are English-speakers and church-goers. She sometimes assists him with his hobbies (bracelet making) and he helps her with her acoustic covers. Their time spent together is usually quiet, tranquil, though there are times where they get too excited about their topic.

Jisoo always claimed to be free and available anytime for Chaeyoung. He once said in an interview that he felt bad for what happened to her before she debuted (the dating scandal between them) and always wanted to make it up to her. He does mundane things for her, sometimes without even meaning to, like opening a water bottle before giving it to her or just lending him his coat when she realizes hers is too thin for the weather.

Like most of the boys, Chaeyoung usually holds his sleeve when he's nearby. They're also usually spotted biking together by the Han River.

(The Awkward but Cute Duo)

When Chaeyoung and Junhui are together, they're usually talking over simple things. Sometimes they're quiet, sometimes they're rowdy. Fans have remarked that they're like a married couple who's in their early years; all soft and fluffy.

He usually gives some snacks to her before she asks for it, knowing her love of food and her tendency to take a bite of everything she thinks is edible (ahem the candle ahem the celebratory cake svt prepared for her). When he has food with him, it's a must for Junhui to give some to Chaeyoung.

On-cam, he usually just stands near her. Off-cam, they're often seen hugging each other for no apparent reason.

(The Star and the Flower)

Soonyoung and Chaeyoung usually bond over food, or dancing (especially because he's one of the people who helped her when she just started to dance), and they both love to cheer people up.

He claimed before that in their trainee days, he and Chaeyoung would sneakily go against their diet and eat junk food. They would also come up with ways to eat foods they're not allowed to.

Soonyoung was the first person to approach Chaeyoung when she expresses her eagerness to learn how to dance. Up until now, Chaeyoung still approaches him when she needs his input. They're usually seen together on-cam practicing. When off-cam, they're usually seen in restaurants or public markets.

(The Cat and the Chipmunk)

Chaeyoung admitted before that back in their trainee days, Wonwoo was one of the first people she was so intimidated by. She, later on, realized that he was completely different personality-wise.

She claimed that when she gets mental breakdowns back in her trainee days (even until now), Wonwoo was always the person she seeks for because he always knows what to say and what to do. She does admit that she shamelessly relies on him way too much sometimes.

They're not usually seen together on-cam, but people who work with them say that they're close and get really into skinship when there's no camera.

(The Two Musicians)

If there's one thing Jihoon and Chaeyoung explicitly agree on, it's music. Both are gifted musicians and also both immensely wanted to have a collaboration with. It's not a secret that the two spend time together with the longest especially when they're making music.

Jihoon is known to be most awkward when expressing what he feels unless he's writing it. Meanwhile, Chaeyoung has no difficulties with it. She could confess her feelings and express her love that goes to the moon and back to Earth to thirteen people, without even stuttering. However, Jihoon could be seen as more expressive with Chaeyoung, most likely because she exudes a warm feeling to everyone that makes them comfortable with her.

They're mostly seen talking together on-cam. Other times, they're always seen filming in a studio together. When off-cam, they're seldom together. But they're once spotted in a café, seemingly writing (again).

❧ okay, so school sucks okay, that's the only excuse that seems relevant, tbh
❧ but rosé solo omg what a motivation y'all 😳
❧ i won't promise anything, but let's see if i get to squeeze more out of this rotting brain of mine

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