❧ one fine day in japan (ep. 2)

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"Obviously, someone has to ride with the staff," Chaeyoung started. Because they're in a hurry, they decided to take a taxi. "I should, shouldn't I?"


"What if you get lost? You and the staff will be hopeless!"

"Seungkwan, you'll be with the staff."

"Why me?!"

"Yeah! Why him? He's the camera soldier!"

"She's right!"

"Okay, obviously Minghao can't volunteer since he's the camera soldier as well," Mingyu relented, humoring Chaeyoung and her childish antics. "And Chan also can't since he's the what?"

"Carrier soldier!"

"Yes, carrier soldier," Mingyu nodded, sighing. "So who's going to?"

"I should," Hansol volunteered. "Noona, do you want to get your bag? Or should I carry it with me? I obviously won't get lost, unlike you."

Chaeyoung smiled, "I'm going to ignore the last thing you said and pretend you're such a fine gentleman. Thank you." She affectionately pats his head, taking her bag as he pulls it out from his unnecessarily slightly big duffel bag.

When they managed to take three cabs, their arrangement was; Mingyu, Chaeyoung, and Minghao in the first cab; the second cab has Seungkwan, Seokmin, and Chan; the last one has Hansol with the rest of the staff. Two other cameramen were with the former two.

"Ah, I'm getting jittery." Mingyu exhaled, his shoulders slumping. "The hyung team got way ahead of us."

"Taxis are quicker though." Chaeyoung told him, "Don't worry. Even if we lose, at least we had fun. Besides, there are next games to win. We should just try harder, right?"

"She's right," Minghao agreed. "Take it easy. No one's going to get mad at you if we lose."

"I know he's quite..." She started to make gibberish signs with her hands. "Pressured, I guess. He's the first appointed captain, so I know he wants to set an example for the next appointed leader. I know Jeonghan oppa feels the same way so I hope his members weren't giving him a hard time."

Mingyu shot them a soft smile, getting shy. "All right, all right, if you say so."

"Good boy!" Chaeyoung beamed, ruffling his hair. Based on the shininess it exudes, Mingyu must have used hair wax. "Oops!" she sheepishly said when their captain sighed after seeing his messy hair from the rear-view mirror. "I should've known you styled your hair with absolute effort."

"Was that sarcasm?"

"Of course not!"

"Is it me or that bus...?" Minghao pointed at the green vehicle. Chaeyoung, who's been dubbed as one of the people with the best eyesight out of all of them, squinted her eyes while she leans over. "It's them, right?"

"Yeah!" Chaeyoung laughed, clapping her hands. She swiveled to Mingyu. "See? I told you that taxis are way faster."

"I'm happy, even though they are our co-members, I'm really happy," Minghao added, letting out a laugh.

"Oh, it's the same! It's the same!" Seungkwan exclaimed, seeing the lovers' bench that was in the picture the mission gave.

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