Epilogue (1)

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3 Years Later


I opened my eyes when the morning sun rays hit my eyes. Pouting at the annoying window that had been opened.

Sitting up on the bed, I stretched my limbs out, letting a yawn escape from my mouth.

Then the smell of hot pancakes and coffee invaded my nostrils, making me giggle.

I reached for the black cardigan that was hanging on the chair and wore it, her scent invading my nostrils, as I heard clinking sounds outside the door.

With a smile on my face, and not bothering to fix my hair, I went out the door, to see that she was there, making pancakes with a cute pink apron with hearts on it.

I quietly tiptoed closer to her, and with a mischievous grin, I joyfully wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, making her jump, and then giggling with me.

"You little twat. I told you not to do that whenever I'm cooking."

I rolled my eyes at her.

I poked my head to the side and studied her side profile.

"Why do you have to nag so early in the morning, Yeji?" I pouted, making her smile with a dimple.

"It's because you should be careful when I'm cooking. And I'm cooking for you, because you slept in."

I slapped her tummy. "This only happened once."

"You slept in last week, yesterday, two days ago, this morning, and you'll most likely sleep in tomorrow." She said as she flipped a pancake.

"On the bright side, you don't mind cooking breakfast for me." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Oh, this breakfast's not for you, this is for Bella."

I slapped her tummy again. "I hate you."

She chuckled. "I love you too, babe."

I walked over to the dish rack and picked two plates and two forks, and placed them neatly on the table. I grabbed the maple syrup, chocolate chips and whipped cream.

"We can pick Bella up from the vet later right?" I asked.

"Yeah, we should walk her. I miss the little snowball."

I sat down on the chair as she placed the plate of pancakes in front of me. "You could just say you want to go out on a date with me." I said with a teasing grin.

"It's my day off. I really like spending whatever time I have with you." She winked.

"Ugh, stop. We're getting gross." I said, putting whipped cream in my pancakes. "Where do you want to go later?"

"I dunno. Do you have a place in mind?" Yeji asked.

"Hmm... Oh! Can we go to a street festival later? I heard that it's fun going on those here in London!" I suggested, with a mouthful of pancakes, making Yeji laugh.

"You know you're not supposed to eat while talking, right?" Yeji scolded.

I swallowed. "It's actually no talking while eating. Not the other way around."

A grin plastered on Yeji's face, as she leaned over and wiped a part of my whipped cream on my plate with her finger and touching my nose with it. I felt the cold cream at the tip of my nose making me whine.

"I do the scolding, not you." She

"Hey!" I reached for the tissues next to me, when Yeji snatched it so quickly. "Yeji! Stop, give it back."

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