Chapter 23

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Laying down on a bed in the school's infirmary because of a hangover was something I never thought I would do. Maybe because I sometimes never do any thinking when it comes to Lia.

I'm glad rumours about me being in this stupid bed will soon spread across campus. It should be enough for people to start forgetting about the rumour between me and Lia, so she can rest easy for a while.

She's always told me about how she was scared about what everyone says. Even if she didn't say it directly, you could tell. Especially since she's told me about it. Yesterday night. It clearly shows how scared she looked earlier when I passed by her.

Still. I'm still gonna fight. I'm not giving up that easily. That girl means the world to me. I'll be damned if I just sit back and wait for someone else to swoop in and take her away.

The curtains moved to the right, revealing Sujin who had a water bottle and a sandwich in her hand. "Hey." She greeted. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better." I said as she handed me the water bottle and the sandwich. "Thank you."

"No problem. And also, can you not do that again?"

"Not do what again?"

"Passing out in front of people? You almost scared the life outta me."

I could only laugh, as I took a bite on the sandwich. "Sorry. If I end up doing that again, I'll make sure it won't be you who catches me."

"I liked catching you though..." she said lowly, but was enough for me to hear her.

I gave her a small smile. "Really now?"

"Oh crap— you heard that!? I'm so sorry, please don't think I'm weird."

"Eh, you seem weird enough already. But weird is always better than being normal right?" I said as I chuckled, while she just shrugged.

"Oh, I almost forgot! Yuri told me to ask you if you were still up with helping the band. We got our vocalist already, now all we need is a guitarist. Are you up for it?"

I thought of reconsidering, but if they asked me, then there must be no one else who could help them. "Sure."

"Cool. The practice starts later after school. Do you think you can go?"

"Yeah, don't worry."

We fell in silence for a good 5 minutes or so. I took a glance at her and she seemed to be twiddling her thumbs and pursed her lips, her face turning crimson.

"Are you okay? There's some medicine over there." I said as I pointed to the cupboard behind her.

"Huh? W-What do you mean?"

"You look a bit red. Do you have a fever? There's a thermometer—"

"No no no! Its not— I mean, I'm not sick." She stutters as her face turns redder.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you sure? You look ever redder than—"

"I'm positive! No need to worry about lil ol me." She says as she chuckles nervously.

"Um... okay? If you say so, I guess."

The silence was unbearable yet again, so I broke it. "Do you not have class by the way?" I asked.

"I do. In a few minutes."

"Well, get going. You wouldn't wanna be late."


"Yeji? Are you in here—"

I saw the infirmary door open, revealing Lia. My eyes lit up at the very millisecond that I saw her face. My insides felt very happy that she came to see me, but she wasn't smiling. And I remembered what happened last night.

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