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-Katerina POV-
The sun was finally gone after about an hour of sitting contently in Neymar's arms. All of my worries and bad thoughts had left my mind as I let out a sigh.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

"Perfect," I smiled up at him and he returned. Suddenly I remembered there was still a party going on and many guests would be wondering where we were, "NEYMAR OH MY GOD, WE HAVE TO GO!"

He jumped in response to my wild action, "what? Why?!"

"The party!! The guests will think we died!"

He laughed before nodding, "alright, alright. Let's go," he got up and held out a hand for me.

We walked along the roof until we got to the edge. He looked down and back at me, "you know, you really should get a new hide away. It's a little extreme up here, don't you think?"

I bursted out in laughter, "scared to get back down?" I glanced down at the two story drop, giggling.

"Of course not," he huffed, "but you go first."

I shook my head rolling my eyes. I moved him out of the way so I could get closer to the tree and began descending. Once at the bottom, I grabbed my shoes from behind the tree and stepped into them, "come on, pretty boy! Party's waiting!"

He grabbed the tree and climbed down quickly as if to get it over with. It was cute to see him like this and not like his usual cocky self. It was sweet that even though he was scared of heights, he still came to comfort me. He truly was one of a kind. When he got down, he brushed off any dust from his pants and held his arm out to me, "shall we?"

I smiled and linked our arms. We walked around to the front of the house to enter the front door since everyone would be in the dining room which was in the back. We quickly argued who would enter the room first, Neymar saying that I should since it was technically my family's party. After thinking of a better argument and coming up dry, I nodded and walked in, "good evening everyone. I apologize for my lateness, I wasn't feeling my best."

The guests murmured their light welcomes and I rushed to my seat in between Alexis and Anada. They looked at me worriedly, "estás bien?" (Are you okay?) Alexis mouthed.

I nodded and gave them a smile. Anada rubbed my shoulder encouragingly and turned to continue her conversation with Rafinha.

Finally Neymar entered and gave the lamest excuse saying he 'couldn't find the dining room.' The guests chuckled and I shook my head suppressing a smile. I stared at him as he approached the seat across from me. He winked before sitting down.

Everyone continued diner until Anada and I saw our mothers stand and cleared their throats to get everyone's attention. The media that was present grabbed their cameras and notepads as my mother started, "Thank you to all who joined my family tonight at our final gathering in Santiago," Neymar's eyebrows furrowed and he glanced at me. I winked before turning back to watch as Anada's mother began to speak, "This party was organized to address the latest achievements of Vera Industries. Marina and I, with the encouragement of our families, have decided to open a brand new head office in Barcelona, Spain," she said proudly smiling toward José, Alexis, Anada, and I. My mom continued, "this decision was made to both strengthen the company and bring our family closer together. As you all know, José and Alexis Sanchez are now members of our family. Alexis, is a forward for FC Barcelona and our proud nation's team," we all applauded for Alexis as he smiled and muttered a thank you.

"Due to the great opportunity of the move to Barcelona, Vera Industries was able to take another big step," I was feeling the suspense in awaiting this news, I had only known of the move, what else was my mom hiding?!

"That big step is becoming the official formal wear sponsor for FC Barcelona," she and Isabella announced together as cameras went flashing. We all applauded as the press began to asked questions wildly. My mother guided them to the living room where we all gathered for pictures. After being blinded by 10 million flashes, my mother and Isabella answered questions for the magazines while I escaped back to the kitchen.

I sat up on the counter and sipped my drink. I looked up when Neymar entered the kitchen soon after, "I figured I'd find you here. You okay?"

I shrugged and nodded, "I'm alright."

He came and sat on the bar stool across from me, "so Barcelona, huh? You excited?"

"Yeah it's exciting I guess, I mean I've moved quite a bit so I'm used to it. But I'm most excited to be able to go to Alexis' games," I smiled.

"You know I'll be there at those games," he smirked and winked.

I rolled my eyes, big ego Neymar has returned. It was quiet for a few minutes before Neymar got up and walked up to me, "what?" I asked.

"Look if I don't ask you this now, I never will," he said looking in my eyes. He looked nervous for some reason so I nodded for him to continue.

"Katerina, I want to take you out, on a date," he said nervously. I stared at him while I thought. Was I ready for this? I mean, Anada said I should get back out there since it had been a year since my last relationship. I did like Neymar. But right now I had a lot to worry about, not to mention the terrifying fact that my father returned. I needed closure and to know the reason he came back before I could have peace of mind. I took a deep breath and hopped off the counter and walked the two steps to him. I looked up at him, staring straight in his eyes.

"Ney, I don't know if right now is the best time..." I started.

He looked at me disappointed, "just one night, you and me. That's all I ask," he proposed hopefully.

I thought it over for a minute before sighing, "Okay, one date."

He smiled his million dollar smile and pulled me into a hug.

"I don't go on many dates, consider this an honor!" I pointed out jokingly while enjoying the warmth of his arms.

"Oh good, then tomorrow night, I'll show you what you're missing out on," he winked.

I blushed and smiled. Just then someone bursted through the kitchen door, "Okay! So everyone's gone so I thought we could watch-," Anada froze when she spotted Neymar and I staring at her wide eyed with Neymar's hands still on my waist.

She smirked and nodded, "forget I said anything, you two feel free to continue where you left off... Kat, I'll be waiting in your room," she winked. I knew she wanted every detail from tonight. She left calling out Alexis' name, probably looking to annoy him.

I shook my head and looked back to Neymar, he chuckled and let go of my waist, "as much as I'd love to continue, it's late and Alexis and I have a Nike shoot in the morning. But hey, when are you leaving for Barcelona?"

"This is my last week, Anada, Alexis, and I will be flying out on his jet on Friday while our parents leave tomorrow," I informed.

"Rafinha and I are supposed to be leaving with Alexis so I wouldn't be surprised if we end up on the jet with you guys," he said and I nodded. We walked to the door and I opened it up for him.

"Thank you, for um," I started.

"Don't worry about it, you don't have to thank me sweetheart," he smiled leaning down to kiss my cheek, making me flush. I smiled back at him. He began through the door but stopped and turned to me smirking, I looked at him confused.

"Now you can feel free to go upstairs and tell Anada about how excited you are to be going on a date with the one and only Neymar Jr.," he winked. I groaned and rolled my eyes, closing the door as he got into his car. He was just so cocky. But I couldn't deny that I liked it.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now