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-Neymar POV-
My eyes were on Kat all night. Seeing her talk to all the guests and joking around with her family members made my smile uncontainable. She was such a lovable person. Even playing with her baby cousin was the most fascinating thing. I hoped one day she could be like that with my son, Davi.

My attention was differed when the doorbell rang and Kat went to answer it, leaving me to sit in the living room with Alexis, Anada, and a few other guests. We all chatted for a few minutes about football and the upcoming season but I couldn't help but think about Katerina, why wasn't she back yet?

"Alexis? What's taking Katerina so long, I thought she just went to open the door," I nudged him.

"Dude, I told you, eyes off my sister. We may not be blood but I'm always going to protect her, so be careful. But I'm not sure, maybe in the kitchen to finish preparations."

Just then, Marina, Katerina's mother, tapped Anada on the shoulder, "dear, can you get Kat and join me in the kitchen? Everything is almost ready."

"Yep, I'll meet you there," she answered. I got curious, didn't Alexis say she was already in the kitchen? I looked around but didn't see her anywhere in the room. I stood up to grab another glass of champagne when I caught a glimpse outside the window and saw Katerina out side on the drive way yelling at a man.

I stood and watched for a bit, it seemed that she was rejecting him and swinging her arms up in rage, definitely yelling in Spanish. The man came closer to her and she took a step back, in fear? I couldn't tell but I was definitely worried. I went back to Alexis, "hey, don't get mad or anything but, does Kat have a boyfriend?"

He sighed, "no not for a while now, why?"

Anada quickly interrupted me, "where the hell is Kat?!" She asked in a hushed tone.

I squinted my eyes in confusion, "I was asking that question, Alexis, because she's outside a arguing with a guy, I thought maybe it was a boyfriend but I guess not.."

They looked at each other with wide eyes, "this man, what does he look like?" Alexis asked standing up. Anada looked around carefully to ensure we weren't attracting any unneeded attention then stepped in closer to hear me clearer.

"Tall and built, tan skin, a little facial hair with short black hair, maybe in his mid forties?" I described.

Anada looked like she'd seen a ghost. She covered her mouth and grabbed my arm, "tell Marina to keep the media busy, right now." She grabbed Alexis and they ran through the front door. Before it completely shut, I heard Alexis' yelling.

I panicked and rushed to a smiling Marina and José, "Anada said to keep the media busy, something is wrong with Katerina."

Marina's smile quickly disappeared as she told José to talk to the press and she followed me outside. When we got there, I saw Alexis yelling at the man.

(A/N: just know all of this was said in Spanish, I'd rather not have to write the translations)
"Get away from here! How dare you show your face here again? In fact, how are you even here?" He asked pushing the man back.

He smiled a provoking smile, "who are you, her boyfriend? In that case it's great we met, you should get used to seeing me, I'm back for good," he rose his eyebrows, "Oh and as to how I'm back, don't worry about that." He winked.

My eyes widened, who was this guy? Why was Kat so afraid of him? I was so confused. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed two figures sitting near the pool house. I walked closer and realized it was Katerina and Anada, Kat was crying in her arms. It broke my heart to see her like this, so helpless and in pain. It was nothing like the Katerina I had met. She was always so happy and confident, never upset. Anada noticed me approaching and looked up, she shook her head and mouthed, "not now please." I nodded and gave them space, giving my attention back to the argument.

Just before he replied, Marina stepped forward in between Alexis and the man, "Sergio. I wouldn't have shown my face here again, not only is there a restraining order, but last time I checked, you haven't completed a 30 year sentence."

"Honey, my darling! Congratulations, our daughter has grown to a beautiful young woman, it's too bad she didn't want to spend much time with me," he shrugged.

Although I couldn't understand the whole conversation, as it was in Spanish, I picked out words I knew here and there. I knew for sure he called Katerina his daughter, I was shocked. It made sense that her dad was never here, her parents were divorced obviously, since her mother was remarried. However, I'd never asked her about her actual father, or really gave it much thought. She seemed happier as she was.

"Leave here Sergio, tonight is not the night," Marina said, stepping back, it was clear she was intimidated. I was impressed by her bravery, thought I could tell she felt a sense of comfort as soon as Alexis put a hand on her shoulder.

After he thought it over he said, "Ah Marina, you know I could never deny you anything. However, it seems you were quick to replace me, quite a few times actually. But I'll see you soon. Please send my best regards to Isabella and my daughter," and walked to his car and quickly sped off. Marina took a deep breath before becoming worried yet again, "where is she, Katerina?!"

Anada paced over to us with a shaky Katerina wrapped in a blanket. She had stopped crying but her eyes were now bloodshot red. "Mom, he- he-," she tried but wasn't able to finish as she burst into tears again. Marina beat me to it running to her daughter and engulfing her in a hug, "shh, I know, I know. Nothing is going to happen, we're safe. We'll be leaving soon anyway, please don't worry," she cooed. Kat's sobs were audible as her mother rubbed her back to sooth her. Leaving soon? Why were they leaving? So many thoughts confused my mind at once.

"We should go start the dinner, Alexis?" Anada said, he nodded and gave Marina a weak smile.
"I- I think I'll join later, tell everyone I got sick. I just need a minute," Katerina whispered, looking down.

"Kat, I can come with you if you need me," Anada said.

"No, really, I'll be okay, you know where I'll be," she smiled slightly and then made eye contact with me before quickly walking away. Her eyes were full of sadness, fear and anger all at once. I knew she was lying to Anada, there was more than what she was letting on. The rest of us adjusted our appearances ready to face the guests and everyone headed back inside.

I tapped Anada's shoulder, "Kat said you know where she'll be? Please, I need to talk to her."

"She said she needs time, Neymar, let her be for now. You don't know what's happened to her," she replied sadly.

"Please, Anada," I begged.

She looked at my sympathetically and sighed, "In the backyard, there's a tree by the pool. Climb it, she'll be on the roof."

I nodded and stepped out the backdoor. I looked near the pool and found a tall tree that surpassed the height of the house with many staggered branches. I climbed the tree and stepped onto the roof, when I looked up, I was amazed. The view of the ocean was unimaginable, especially since the sun was setting. Under the view, staring at the sight, was Katerina.

A/N: I haven't mentioned Isabella before but she is Anada's mother and Marina's best friend.

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora