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-Katerina POV-

"Porque no me deja en paz," I hissed at him. (Why can't you leave me alone)

I rubbed my temples and nervously checked my surrounds as I listened to his aggressive growl through the phone. "Should've thought of that before hanging up on me earlier," he answered. "I'd like to see you again and discuss some terms of our deal"

"What terms? I paid you like you asked. You don't get any special requests," I whispered before composing myself to smile at a few interns passing the spare office I was in. I figured I should save myself the trouble and close the blinds before Neymar or my family noticed me in here.

"You're right. Maybe I'll just send another gift. To your boyfriend this time and ask permission to see-"

"N-No, Damon. Fine. I'll meet you," I sighed frantically. I barely had time to breathe now that it was fashion month. When was I going to get time for a secret rendezvous with him?! As the thoughts raced through my head I heard the doorknob jiggle. "Text me time and place," I responded quietly before ending the call. Neymar walked in and I quickly faked the tail end of a conversation, "yeah the white lilies would be great, Carly. Thank you."

"Everything okay, babe? You just vanished," He questioned as I fake hung up on my call with 'Carly'.

I sighed not knowing how much longer I could keep this up. "I'm sorry, Ney. It was for Anada's party and I didn't want her to overhear," I smiled as wide as I could but even then I think he noticed something was wrong. "I just want it to be perfect for her since her mom probably will miss it. She's going through a lot right now and it's the least I could do," I spoke the truth there. I did feel terrible for leading Anada on about going home to Santiago but it was for her own safety, all of our safety. No one but me knew that Sergio was staying in Santiago and until I knew more, I intended on keeping it that way.

"You're such a good sister," he cooed, kissing my forehead. "She's going to have a good time."

I nodded and found comfort in his warm embrace. Our moment was short lived when Anada, Alexis and Rafa stormed in. "Hey lovebirds, not sure if you forgot we exist," Anada chirped, earning 'yeahs' from Alexis and Rafa.

"Sorry! Just had to handle something," I reassured them that they had my full attention again, "so fittings—let's go."

Everyone followed me to the atelier and I begun working on Alexis' suit as soon as he put it on. My mind was racing about Damon and I wondered when and where he would want to meet. And what the "terms" were of his supposed deal. I started replaying my calendar in my head and strategized when I'd be able to fit him in. A sense of fear came over me as I worried what would happen if i didn't make time for him. "MIERDA, KAT OUCH," Alexis' yelp brought me back to the present as I realized I had pushed a pin too deep and nicked his leg.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry hermano. I just zoned out," I admitted with an apologetic glance.

"Kat you're gonna need a long vacation when this month is over," he laughed at me. It was true but my question was when would Damon be over.

"Didn't you guys JUST go on a vacation," Anada countered, eyeing Neymar and I.

"It was one day," I chuckled.

"And we were pretty busy," Neymar added, smirking at me. I blushed and threw my pen at him for exposing us while everyone groaned.

"Anyways," Anada rolled her eyes. "Alexis, you have never looked better," she complimented, admiring my work. "I'm so glad Kat got the art gene," she said, making me laugh. She might've been glad for me but without her learning the ins and outs of business from her mother, we both would've been a lost cause.

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