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-Katerina POV-

"Katerina, esperate,"(wait up) he called from behind me.

I turned around and smiled at Oscar as he jogged over to me. His light skin was glistening with the sweat from our practice. He ruffled his thick black hair out of his eyes as he smiled a dazzling smile at me. I mentally swooned at him and matched it with a wide grin. "Hi," I said.

"You played great today," he complimented.

"You too," I blushed. "I'm surprised you're still playing. Shouldn't you be studying for your admissions test?"

"Well, thats what I was going to tell you. I got accepted to la Universidad de Chile," he announced.

"WHAT?! That's amazing, Oscar," I threw my arms around him and he spun me around, holding my waist securely.

"Thank you, Kat. You're the first person I told," he kissed my cheek tenderly, completely ignoring the fact we were both sweaty from practice. "I needed someone on my side for when everyone tells me I only got in because of my dad," he sighed, rolling his eyes. Oscar Opazo had come from a family of well known doctors and his father was the most widely known surgeon in all of Chile. It was only natural that Oscar wanted to follow in his footsteps and go to medical school.

"Oscar, ignore them. You got this on your own merit. Take it from me, famous parents are more pressure than they are beneficial," I assured him, rubbing his arm gently.

"Right?! You always understood me the best, Vera. That's why I love you," he said, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged him back without a thought as my cheek pressed against his warm chest. His 6 foot frame made me feel like a child and I tip toed up to squeeze him tighter. Our hug felt simple.

"Love you too," I smiled up at him. It wasn't a romantic 'I love you,' but the weight it carried was enough to stir up butterflies in my stomach. Oscar had described us as soulmates and as much as I knew he was right, somehow we never became more than best friends.

His expression changed as he looked over my head and I turned around to see what got his attention. Through the fencing of the practice field, I saw Damon sitting on the bench, eyeing us with a scowl on his lips.



"Baby, wake up," I heard Neymar's voice coo in my ear. My eyes opened and I found him staring at me closely. I cleared my groggy throat and realized I had been having a dream. I looked around and noticed the sun was out and I could hear the bustling traffic of the Paris streets. I looked down at my naked body covered under the sheets and remembered the fond events of last night when Neymar and I got back from the Balmain party.

"What?" I asked softly since he didn't look away from my eyes.

"What were you dreaming about?" he asked.

"Nothing," I said a little too quickly.

He immediately frowned at me and sat up on the bed beside me. "You dreamt about something. I know you did because you said 'Oscar' in your sleep," he accused, in a tone I had never heard before. This was the first time I had heard him sound upset with me, even though it was only in the slightest.

I looked up at him and sighed. "Oscar was in my dream, yes," I admitted after a brief stare down with him.

"So we spend the night together and you dream about being with another guy?" he whispered. He looked down at his lap but his hurt was evident in his voice.

"Ney, no, no, of course not," I gasped. I sighed and sat up to face him, ensuring to keep my body wrapped in the sheet. I took his hand into mine and said, "it wasn't a dream about him, like that. I just had a dream and he was in it."

One Night in Santiago/Football Under Flashing Lights (Neymar Jr. Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ