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The whole day I locked myself in my room and let myself starve, I didn't eat my breakfast earlier, I also skipped lunch and now dinner, so I'm lying if I said I'm not hungry 'cause I'm soooooo hungry.

The boys kept knocking on my door--well except Yoongi, saying that they bought food for me but I didn't answer so they'll assume that I'm sleeping. I don't want to go out knowing I will see him

My stomach keep growling but I ignored it, I was now reading ff about them in wattpad, actually I already finished 3 fanfics the whole day. Reading ff about them or shall I say reading in wattpad, really helped me to scape from reality, it's like I have a portal to the other world

I was in the middle of the story when I heard a knock on my door


I just kept quite but then I heard him speak

??:Y/n..I know you're awake it's me your BunBun, please open the door..at least for me

He said with a soft and pleading voice, I couldn't help but walk to the door to open the door for him. It's like I'm hypnotised by his voice!

I opened the door revealing my BUNBUN in his pajama set holding a tray of food while patiently waiting for me to open my door.

I opened the door revealing my BUNBUN in his pajama set holding a tray of food while patiently waiting for me to open my door

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Jungkook:Y/n-iee~ Can I come in?

He asked while giving me his puppy eyes

How can I say no with that eyes?

I sighed before stepping aside, making him a way and motion him to come in. He flashes me his famous bunny smile (which made me soften at his cuteness) before entering my room. He sat on my bed after putting the tray in front of him

I closed the door before sitting on my bed (across him and the tray he bought) and lean my back on the headboard

Jungkook:Y/n-ssi I bought food! You haven't ate anything all day, and thank you for not pushing me away like you did to the others

Y/n:I-I didn't pushed them away, I'm sleeping!

I lied

Jungkool:Yeah right sleeping

He chuckled knowing that I'm lying but he just ignored it, instead he put his gaze on the food before picking the spoon, putting it in front of my mouth, trying to feed me

Jungkook:Say Ahhhhh..

He said hoping my mouth to open for him to feed me. I giggled at his cuteness and decided to give up by letting him to feed me

Y/n:Mm! It's good! Did you cook this?

I asked, still munching the food

I didn't know he's also good at cooking! 'Cause heck this is soooo delicio---

Jungkook:Ani Yoongi hyung cooked it for you---

I badly chocked, hearing Yoongi's name

Jungkook:Y/n! Are you okay?!

He quickly grabbed the glass of water, (that is also on the tray) giving it to me while gently patting my back, I nod (still coughing)

Jungkook:He asked me to bring it to you and I'm glad he asked me! But.. I'm confused why he have to ask someone if he could do it by himself, you know so he could apologize to you. But I'm so thankful he asked me not the others..

He finished while smiling widely, proud that his hyung chooses him to bring food to me. While on the other hand, here I am still coughing (but not that hard).

Yoongi cooked for me?

I smiled at my thought


What he said earlier flashed in my head again making my heart ache and smile dropped

He didn't even bother to say sorry

I sighed

Jungkook:Hey you okay?

I nod but he seemed unconvinced

Jungkook:Come on finish your food, let's talk..

He said softly as I just stared at him. For a long time staring at him I saw his cheeks slowly turning pink to red

He's blushing..AGAIN?

How cute!

He tried to hide it when he saw that I'm starting to grin at him and that made him feel embarrassed so he look away and start coughing. He stopped for few minutes before looking at me with a playful smile

Jungkook:Do you want me to feed you..Y/n-ssi?

I stopped for a sec still looking at his face blankly before bursting into laugher

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I stopped for a sec still looking at his face blankly before bursting into laugher

Jungkook:Y-yah is my f-face that funny for you to laugh that hard?

Finally calming down I nod while wiping my tears of joy

Y/n:Y-yeah you should've look at the m-mirror

I managed to say, trying to hold my laughs but I failed and laugh so hard again. My head fell on my side as I was laughing so hard while that face of him kept flashing in my head

Jungkook:I knew I shouldn't have do that, come on finish your food Y/n before it gets cold

He sighed as I sat up and look at his shy face

Y/n:Aww is my BunBun embarrassed?

I cooed while gently pinching both of his cheeks


I chuckled before continued eating


After eating he grabbed the tray before putting it on my nightstand that is on the right side of my bed

He crawled on my right side before leaning also on the headboard then to me

Jungkook:So now tell me..what's happening to you between Jin and Yoongi hyung?


Protecting My Seven Anpanman :Under Editing⚠Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin