C31: Morning

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I woke up feeling warm breaths hitting my face. I opened my eyes only to be greeted by Jin's handsome face

Gosh how can you be this handsome?


He ain't called world wide handsome for nothing..

I was busy admiring his handsome at the same time beautiful face when I heard him speak

Jin:I ain't called world wide handsome for nothing..baby~

He said before slowly opening his eyes..


Baby? Did he just call me BABY?!! Kim FREAKING SeokJin of BTS called me BABY?! Heck I can die right now!

Just kidding..

But he called me baby!!

I felt heat running up to my cheeks which led him to chuckled at my reaction

I was controlling myself to stop from blushing but he said something..

Jin:You don't want to let go? Its okay we can stay like this all day, it doesn't matter to me..but the others will see us and might think of something between us..Jagiya.

I blushed harder knowing that we're hugging each other--well more like me hugging him


I fell asleep again in his arms when he was sharing me his dad jokes and I'm glad I didn't had a nightmare again...but waking up like this--in a position like this?? With Kim SeokJin?!

This is a dream come true!--*cough* I mean...this is embarrassing 'cause I look so horrible with my bed hair

I got snapped from my thoughts when I heard him chuckling before saying

Jin:You really want to be like this all day y/n? Sure! But...are you sure you don't want to wear your..bra?

He smirked at me as he leaned his face more closer to me


I quickly pulled away before sitting up and look down with my eyes widen

That's when I realized I'm not wearing it 'cause heck I remove it last night since I'm not comfortable sleeping wearing it AND the thought that I was going to sleep last night in my room! And forgot to wear one when I suddenly decided to sleep to HIS room

Jin:Now..tell me y/n,

He paused as he sat beside me leaning to my face once again

Jin:Are you seducing me?

My eyes widen on what he said while playfully grinning

Me? S-seducing? Kim SEOKJIN?

I don't even know how to kiss someone! *cough*

But...did he meant to say that I've seduced him?

I mentally slap myself realizing what I just thought

Y/n:S-seducing you? I'm not

Jin:So why are you not wearing it?

He asked leaning more to me as our faces was just inches away from each other

Y/n:I-I just--

I got interrupted when the door suddenly opened revealing Hoseok with a shock face when he saw how close Jin's face to mine

He ran to us before pulling Jin away from me and grabbing my wrist, dragging me behind him


JHope:Mwo? What are you doing to her?

He asked a bit mad to his hyung. Jin just sighed even if he was a bit annoyed for interrupting us

Jin:Why are you here Hoseok?

Hobi glared at Jin before looking at me with soft eyes

JHope:Min Han hyung cooked breakfast, since someone woke up a little bit late, let's go

He said to me while gently grabbing my hand not bothering to look at his hyung that is just in front of him

We got out from Jin's room, I told Hoseok that he could go first and that I just have something to do in my room.

Thankfully he didn't bother to ask further more question and just nod before going to the dinning room

I turned around to walk to my room but I slightly jumped when I saw Yoongi leaning on his door frame while looking at me with a serious but at the same time confused face, probably confused why I was coming out from Jin's room

I was about to open my door when he speak..

Yoongi:Where did you sleep last night?

He asked sounded mad and worried at the same time

How did he know I didn't slept in my room last night?

Y/n:U-uhm..In J--


I got interupted by someone calling me from the other hallway. I shifted my head only to saw Jimin smiling at me while approaching my direction

Jimin:Goodmorning Y/n!

He greeted when he reached in front of me

Y/n:Goodmorning Chimchim!

I greeted back with a smile before patting his head before we heard coughs coming from Yoongi to signal Jimin that he was also there

Jimin:Oh good morning hyung!

He greeted to Yoongi before giving his gaze back to me

Jimin:Y/n let's go downstairs together!

He smiled widely

Y/n:Sure chimchim! Just give me a sec

I said before entering my room while he waited outside


Do you know South Korea is known as Land of the Morning Calm?

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