Chapter Four: Dementors and Marauders

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Lily and Teddy simultaneously jumped to their feet, exclaiming,

"Expecto Patronum!" Lily's fox and Teddy's wolf burst out of their wands and drove the dementor away. They hurried out of their compartment and down the corridor to see if anyone else needed help. They found another dementor being driven back by a Patronus and stepped into the compartment as it left. Of course, it was Harry, Ron, and Hermione's compartment. Lily groaned and banged her head against the wall dramatically,

"You simply attract trouble, Harold!" She grumbled to Harry who was awake and looking around in confusion. She heard a light chuckle and spun around to see who it was. When she did, she nearly dropped her wand and she was certain she looked as surprised as she felt as she stared at Remus Lupin aka Moony. A slow smirk crept onto her face and she dropped right into his lap, leaning on the window. Everyone else looked confused, but Teddy's eyes widened when he realized who exactly she was sitting on.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Moony. I've heard loads about you." He said with a grin, sticking his hand out. Moony raised an eyebrow enquiringly at Lily who just smiled, and shook Teddy's hand.

"Nice to meet you too." He turned back to Lily, still sitting comfortably on him, "So you remember me then?" Lily rolled her eyes,

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I,  I'm amazing." She said cockily, then paused and added, "And I have Hyperthymesia, so that helps." Moony rolled his eyes,

"Just like your father you are." Lily grinned,

"Why thank you, Uncle Moony. I'll have you know that I am exactly like him." Moony shook his head,

"As long as you don't murder thirteen people," Lily smirked,

"Don't worry. If I do, I'll make sure they aren't innocent. Plus I have a dragon who can do it for me." Moony blinked,

"You have a dragon!" He exclaimed incredulously, "Why am I not surprised?" Lily smiled innocently at him,

"Because I'm me!" Moony laughed and ruffled her hair. Suddenly, the compartment went very silent. Teddy stepped forward apologetically,

"I'm terribly sorry, but I made a promise my first year." He punched Moony straight in the face. Moony blinked in shock, holding a hand to his rapidly swelling cheek.

"What was that for?" He exclaimed indignantly. Teddy smiled apologetically at him,

"Sorry about that. Flame and I swore we'd beat up anyone who messed up our hair. I only punched you once because you're both a professor and a Marauder." He added helpfully. Moony just sighed and muttered,

"Yep, just like James and Sirius." Lily hopped off his lap and waved cheerfully at them all,

"Right then, we've got to go. Sorry about you're face Uncle Moony, and I hope you feel better Harry. You too, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville." She said, purposefully ignoring Ron. Before she could step out the door however, Moony stopped her looking stern.

"What about Ron?" Before Lily could say anything, Ron mumbled,,

"Don't bother, she's been ignoring me for months." Moony glanced at him quickly, before returning his stern gaze to Lily. She shot a glare in Ron's direction as Moony said,

"Why have you been ignoring him for months, Lily?" This time it was Harry who answered,

"Ron said some things about werewolves, and I think he would be dead already if Teddy hadn't stopped her." Moony's eyes widened with surprise as he turned back to Lily, looking slightly proud.

"You haven't been talking to him for months because he said something about werewolves?" He asked her. She nodded stiffly,

"Yes." She answered shortly, before hurrying out of the compartment before he could stop her again. She and Teddy returned to their compartment and remained there for the rest of the ride, finally coming to a stop at Hogsmeade Station. Lily and Teddy hopped off the train, grinning like mad. They had prepared their latest prank and couldn't wait to actually do it.

Lily and Teddy hopped out of their carriage and immediately found themselves being called over by Minnie, who was standing with Moony, Harry, and Hermione. She noticed that Moony's face was dark purple, and grimaced, she had completely forgotten to heal it! Lily bounded right up to Minnie and threw her arms around the stern witch's waist happily.

"I've missed you so much, Minnie! You'll still be our favorite if you wear the jumper to the feast tonight by the way." She said, smirking at the thought of Minnie wearing the sweater she had given her two years ago. Minnie rolled her eyes, but nodded.

"Alright. Would you kindly explain to me who punched Professor Lupin in the face?" 

Do you see Minnie's face? She's trying sp hard not to laugh. Lily thought to Teddy who nodded and told Minnie,

"That was me." Minnie looked at him,

"And why did you do that?" Teddy smirked,

"He messed up Lily's hair. We made an oath in our first year that we would beat up anyone who touched our hair. I only punched him once because he's a professor, although the main reason is that he's a marauder." He said, slightly smug. Minnie sighed in exasperation and said,

"Alright then. You and Miss Black have another detention. I believe your current ones stretch to the end of this year. Is that correct?" They nodded, "Then, congratulations, this is your first one for your fourth year." Lily and Teddy grinned and high-fived.

"Thanks Minnie!" They said, cheekily grinning at her. Lily winked,

"And don't forget about the jumper." Minnie sighed and flicked her wand. The jumper came zooming into her hand and she pulled it on over her robes. Moony burst out laughing when he caught sight of Minnie wearing the jumper.

"Are you two Flame and Shadow then?" He asked when he had calmed down. Lily and Teddy exchanged a grin,

"Yep. I'm Flame and he's Shadow." Lily said, gesturing, "And we may be even better than the Marauders." She added with a wink. Moony shook his head,

"There's no way." Their grins only widened,

"Oh, there's a way." Lily drawled, before linking arms with Teddy and skipping into the Great Hall for the feast. Lily's smile faded slightly when Dumbleduck mentioned the dementors being here on Ministry business. It was obvious what it was; They were looking for her father. Teddy squeezed her hand and she smiled gratefully at him. Soon, the feast was in full swing, and Lily and Teddy were both smirking. People slowly began to edge away from them, as they recgnized those smirks, making the first years look around in confusion. 

Lily began focusing on what she wanted to do. Soon, screams filled the air as everyone found themselves flying to new tables and seats, even the professors were. Within five minutes, the Great Hall was no longer separated by house, as everyone was all mixed together, including the professors. For a moment everyone was silent, and then they all began to talk with whoever was next to them, making Lily smile happily. That was the whole point, now people might actually make some friends in other houses, rather than being completely blinded by house loyalty. She even spotted a couple Slytherins talking with people who weren't in their houses. She caught Dumbleduck's eye from where he was sitting at the Hufflepuff table, and he smiled widely at her. She also caught Moony's eye and winked, as she doubted the Marauders had ever done something so brilliant. It wasn't even really a prank. Well, it was, but it was for a good reason.

She enjoyed the rest of the feast, before returning to Gryffindor Tower and collapsing into her bed, a grin of her face. She had a feeling it would be a good year.

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