Chapter One: Break Out

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Lily loved working with dragons. She had been in Romania for a while now to work with dragons. She had been offered a job as a dragon tamer for half the summer and she had eagerly accepted. Despite being only thirteen, she was one of the best dragon tamers there was. This was because of the strange effect on the beautiful creatures she had. They all loved her for whatever reason and she loved them. Whenever she was around, the dragons would instantly calm down. One of the most aggressive dragons had practically adopted her the first time she went to Romania. Lily would be returning to England the next day and she was quite sad to be leaving. She was also excited to see Teddy again, as she had only been seeing him on full moons, which wasn't the most pleasant.

Lily skipped into the room she was living in. It was technically Charlie's guest room, but he had given it to her. She went straight over to Ash's trunk, and into it. She climbed down the ladder, and smiled. She and Teddy had filled it up a lot more since Dumbleduck had given it to her. It had an extension charm on it that led to a place they called Ash's Oasis. It was basically open fields and there was also basically a house. Her cat, Marauder was also living there with Ash. The trunk would be very useful for when they had to go into hiding, because they most likely would when Tommy came back. Lily had actually been staying more there than in the room Charlie had given to her. 

She waved her hand lazily, changing he clothes into pajamas, and collapsed into her bed, falling dead asleep.


Lily rolled out of her bed and woke with a start, rubbing her head. She sluggishly went through her morning routing, including her tradition of taking an hour on her hair. Then, once she was more awake, she climbed up the ladder to go find Charlie. She had loved spending half of the summer with him, even if she wasn't allowed anywhere near the kitchen anymore after she accidentally set it on fire last year. The cabinets were still slightly blackened, and it looked better looked better that way in Lily's opinion. 

She found Charlie cooking bacon in the kitchen. His trunk was by the door, as he would also be leaving today to join his family on holiday in Egypt. 

"Good morning Charles!" She chirped, sliding into one of the bar stools with a glass of juice. 

"Good morning Dragon-Tamer," Charlie said, grinning, "Are you ready to go back to England?" Lily shrugged, she loved England with the Walters and especially Teddy, but she also loved Romania. Charlie had become like an older brother to her, and she loved the dragons too. She would even miss Charlie's other dragon tamer friends who had taken a liking to her.

"I actually don't know. I rather like it here, but I do really miss Shadow." He nodded understandingly,

"I know what you mean. You're welcome to visit whenever you want though, that room is yours to keep."Lily grinned and gave him a hug,

"Thanks Charles." They laughed and talked over breakfast, before Lily went to say goodbye to all of her friends, both human and dragon. Then, she made sure Ash was okay in her trunk, and joined Charlie at the door. She set her trunk down and threw her arms around his neck,

"I'm going to miss you Charles." She muttered. He smiled and rubbed her back,

"I'll miss you too Dragon-Tamer. You can come here on weekends whenever you want though." Lily grinned,

"Thanks Charles. See you soon." He grinned back at her and said,

"See you soon Dragon-Tamer." They smiled at each other, before Lily picked up her trunk, and turned on her heel, disapparating with a crack. 

Lily reappeared in front of the Walters's house, where she would be staying for the rest of the summer. She pushed open the door and was immediately tackled by a mop of light brown hair. She grinned and hugged him tightly,

"Shadow! I've missed you!" He climbed off her and grinned, green eyes sparkling with mischief. 

"I've missed you too Flamie, even if we did see each other half a month ago." Lily laughed, and threw her arms back around his neck. 

"Good to know. How have you been?"

"Great!" Lily and Teddy talked for hours, catching up on everything that happened over the last half a month. 

Eventually, Lily shifted into her fox fox form, and curled up into Teddy's side, falling fast asleep. Later, when Jackie and Allister walked by to see if they were still awake, they saw Lily curled up as a fox. She had told them about being an animagus, so that she could help Teddy while he was at home too. They smiled softly at each other, they were just too cute. 


The next day, Lily was eating breakfast when the daily prophet came. She untied it from the owl's leg and payed it, before unfurling the paper. She nearly dropped it in surprise when she saw her father's face staring up at her. With wide eyes, she read through the article, before silently handing it to Teddy, trying to process what was happening. 

Dadfoot aka Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban. 

That was supposed to be impossible! None the less, Lily was proud that he was the one to disprove that. She was so her father's daughter. When Teddy finished the article, he too was grinning as he passed it to his parents. They had explained to them about how he was innocent last summer before they went to see him in Azkaban, and luckily, they both believed every word of it. Lily loved Teddy's parents. Soon, they were all grinning, eyes sparkling with excitement. It was clear who Teddy got his trouble-making ways from.

"He escaped! I knew he could do it!" Lily exclaimed happily. The others laughed, and Jackie said,

"I'm happy for you Lily. I'm glad you told us about him being innocent last year. If you had told us now, I'm not entirely sure we would have believed you." Lily grinned,

"Thanks! I can't believe he really did it." She said softly, before grinning, "He is just like me though, breaking all the records. This is why the Gryffindors gets the highest tower!" Jackie laughed, but said,

"Ravenclaw actually has the tallest tower." Lily and Teddy smirked, and Lily corrected,

"Not anymore. We added a broom to the top of Gryffindor's so now we have the tallest one." Jackie and Allister blinked at the two smirking thirteen-year-olds, before shaking their heads in disbelief.

"Honestly, I'm not even surprised." Allister sighed, before grinning, "I'm proud of you." Lily and Teddy grinned and said in sync,

"Aww, thanks!" Allister laughed and shook his head, before motioning for them to go back to their food.

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