Chapter Three: Diagon Alley

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Lily closed climbed out of Ash's trunk after Teddy and shut it with a snap, before shrinking it and clipping it back onto the necklace around her neck. She had come up with the idea a couple of days ago, and Teddy had enchanted the chain containing the extended trunk so that it would always return to her neck, and she had enchanted it so that it didn't look real, in case they were ever kidnapped in the future. What? They liked to plan ahead. So, currently hanging around her neck with her necklace from Dumbleduck, was a miniature trunk that practically contained a house, a field, along with a dragon and her cat, Marauder, who got along splendidly. 

Lily grinned and she and Teddy strode into the entrance hall, grinning broadly. Lily was wearing a pair of black muggle leggings, a gold tank top, and her father's old leather jacket, which she wore everywhere. Teddy wore black shorts and a matching golden shirt. They had taken to often wearing corresponding outfits, and by now everyone was used to it. They each grabbed the arm of one of Teddy's parents, who disapparated. They had still yet to tell them they could apparate already. They appeared in the middle of the Leaky Cauldron and immediately noticed that Ron and Hermione were fighting about their pets. Lily snorted, already on Hermione's side, still not over her argument with Ron the previous year. He had said some really insulting things about werewolves and she was brilliant at holding grudges.

"Hey Hermione," Lily said casually, leaning on Teddy. Hermione's eyes widened when they landed on her and she squealed and flung herself at the girl, knocking both of them and Teddy to the floor. They were a pile of limbs laughing on the floor when Harry came downstairs and noticed them.

"Hey, Lily! Teddy!" They grinned at him,

"Harold!! Lily exclaimed and managed to untangle herself from the pile of limbs, before tackling him to the ground in a hug, making them fall right back into the pile. Eventually, Lily and Teddy said goodbye to the others who had already bought their school things and hurried throughout Diagon Alley, collecting their school things as she went. All too soon, it was dark out and Lily and Teddy had to return to the Walters' house for the rest of the holidays, so they hugged Harry and Hermione goodbye and left, making sure to continue ignoring Ron, just as she had for months.


Two days before they were set to return to Hogwarts was the full moon and Teddy was particularly sick this time. Lily joined Teddy in the cellar when the sun set, regarding his bloodless face sadly. She hated what he had to go through every month and would do whatever she could to help him, no matter the cost. She would easily die for him, he was her best mate. So she transformed into her red and gold fox and sprang into action as soon as he was fully transformed, playing with the wolf to distract him from hurting himself. Even in werewolf form, Teddy had always been super nice to Lily. The first full moon they spent together, she had befriended Teddy's inner wolf and he was now very protective of her.

She spent the whole night playing with him, and was absolutely exhausted when she woke up, so she jsut went right back to sleep and slept the whole day. And night.

So when she finally woke up, it was September 1st and the first day of school. She groaned and looked at ther clock. Merlin! It was nine o'clock! The train would leave in two hours. She jumped up and raced into the bathroom to do her hair. An hour later, she came back out and changed into a green shirt, black jeans, and her father's old leather jacket, before attatching the extended trunk to her necklace and hurrying downstairs where she found Teddy also looking slightly panicked.

"We have to go!" They both exclaimed. They were getting to the train on their own, as both of Teddy's parents had to work today. Lily hurried into her shoes, and exchanged a grin with Teddy, before they both spun on their heels, disapparating with a crack.

Lily hurried towards the huge red steam engine with Teddy at her side. They received a couple strange looks because neither of them had a peice of luggage with them, and Lily received a couple slightly scared looks as well. She assumed it was because of her father's escape. They hurried down the train to their compartment which they had carved their nicknames into in first year and collapsed into their seats just as the train began to move. Lily locked the door and drew the blinds before pulling the trunk off her necklace, allowing it to expand to it's normal size. Then she and Teddy climbed into it and into the kitchen which was fully stocked with food. Lily pulled out a box of mac and cheese and boiled a pan of water with a flick of her wrist. Soon, they were both happily eating bowls of mac and cheese for breakfast, as they hadn't had time to eat before leaving to catch the Hogwarts Express. Lily smiled happily, she adored their trunk that was technically a house, a small forest, and even a river! It was perfect, and Ash loved it. Ash was Lily's dragon whom she had recieved from Charlie last year for Christmas. She had grown completely, and was now a full grown dragon, who would do anything for Lily, and by default, Teddy.

Lily and Teddy spent a few more hours in their house, before returning to the actual train compartment. Lily returned the trunk to her necklace and spent a while playing catch with Teddy while telling him more about Romania and the dragons. Suddenly, the train began to slow down, making Lily peer out the window curiously. Her eyes widened when she noticed something moving outside.

"There's something out there Shadow." She said, still looking out the window. The train suddenly jolted to a stop and she hit her head against the glass of the window and fell out of her seat. She got to her feet grumbling to herself and healed the already forming bruise with a wave of her hand. All the lights went out and Lily's eyebrows rose, this was rather exciting in her opinion.

The door to their compartment slid open and Lily saw a towering figure in a cloak standing in the doorway. 

It was a Dementor.

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