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I know I'm early but I got excited!

I hate it here... I don't even have my own room and the couch is lumpy and no matter how much I clean everything looks dirty! I opened and closed my hands wincing from the cracks. Stupid bleach... I jumped as Mommy's door slammed open and sat up straight on the couch.
"I've got a date, you better be invisible when I get back" I muttered a yes ma'am as she left before sliding off the couch to grab Loki's spell book from underneath. I stole it when I was packing. I boredly flipped through the back not really reading it as I thought about Loki and everybody at that tower. It was scary at first but it was like... a family. Where everybody loves each other and nobody would ever wanna hurt each other or lock them in closets... But it wasn't a family. It wasn't my family. Nobody will ever love me. Loki doesn't love me, he doesn't even care about me. He said so and he let mommy take me away... He promised he wouldn't but he's a liar! I started ripping out the pages as I got more and more mad.
"I HATE THIS PLACE! I HATE MOMMY! I HATE ME AND I HATE LOKI!" when I looked up from the now decimated book a black cloud was surrounding me making the whole apartment disappear into nothingness. I waved it away and stomped around the apartment grabbing my stuff before picking up a hammer from the tool kit under the sink. I swung at the lock on the pantry until it clattered to the floor. I stole a bunch of Mommy's granola bars and left the apartment. I'm gonna live in Nidavellir, and live with the giants, and I'll learn how to make swords with Eitri... I just have to figure out how to get there. Thor said Nidavellir is in space and NASA is how people go to space and Mr. Leeson said NASA was in DC, so I just have to get there!

Little note to anyone who leaves story ideas and doesn't see them in the next chapter, I didn't forget I just want to put it in the story a bit later for more of an organic transition. That said let me know how you feel about the book so far, what you want to happen in the future, and let me know if there are any characters for any fandoms you'd want to see how Holly would interact with for short (probably not canon) updates between the regular updates! Or let me know if you think that's a bad idea

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