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Something has been bothering me all week. I can't tell what it is but walking back into the tower something feels off. I assume Holly must've been upset that I left without warning so I headed straight for her room. To my surprise it was empty. I was looking for her as I heard voices in the debriefing room.
"How the hell do you lose a seven year old girl?!"
"Nat! Your choking him!" When I walked in Natasha was pinning Stark to the wall by his shirt collar and Rodgers was trying to get her to calm down.
"You lost Holly?" They all stopped and looked at me. "When did this happen?" I was practically seething.
"Nice to see you too" we all glared at Stark. "She ran away right after you guys left"
"And you didn't tell us?" Natasha was scowling at Stark.
"Fury told us not to. We've been looking for her everywhere. Every shelter, park, alley-" Rodgers spoke up but Barton cut him off.
"Did you check her old apartment?"
"Old apartment?" Rodgers just looked confused.
"You know, where she lived before she came here?" I didn't bother waiting for him to answer Barton before I stormed off.

Stark, Clint, and I went to her half burned down apartment. The building was condemned and set to be demolished in just a few hours.
"Holly!" I called for her as I stepped into the apartment building and rushed up the fragile stairs. I push open the barely standing door of apartment 201 and called for her again. The main room of the apartment was a living room with a kitchen separated by a half wall. A whole was burned into the center of the room, leavin the scorched couch sitting precariously on the edge. All around the apartment scorch marks seemed to radiate from different points. The room looked empty but just as I thought that I felt tiny arms wrap around my legs. I felt... relief as I knelt and wrapped my arms around her. After only a second the relief became a secondary emotion and I pulled her away from me. I held her shoulders at arms length. "Are you insane!? Why would you run away like that?!" She flinched at my voice and I regretted yelling at her but... I'm overcome with an emotion I've never felt before.
"You left me... I was alone" her voice was barely above a whisper. I let her go and I stood. I couldn't think of anything to say as the thought of not having found her played in my head. Even if we had gotten here a few hours later the building would've been demolished and she'd have been.... gone.
"Hey kid, so this is your place?" Stark was the first to break the silence and she nodded in response. "You wanna give us the grand tour?" She looks to me almost asking permission before she nods at Stark again. She slowly reached and grabbed Starks hand instead of mine. I didn't even realize I was scowling at him as she walked us through the apartment.
"This is the living room, Mommy sometimes has company here" since when has she started speaking to Stark? She pulled him into the kitchen while Barton and I followed. "This is the kitchen, I'm not allowed in here unless I'm doing my chores" my hands curl into fists as my eyes fall to the locks on the fridge and pantry. She continued on into a bedroom that was unkept at best. "This is Mommy and Daddy's room" she walked back out of the room and to the only remaining closed door. "This is my room" she opened the door and I was nearly blinded by all the pink. Pink walls, pink carpet, massive pink bed, and pink hearts everywhere with burnt soot coating the room. All in all her room is the most untouched by fire.
"I guess you like pink..." Stark spoke taking in the frankly alarming color of the room.
"Not really, do you wanna see my favorite toy?" before he answer she ran to a metal military chest and pulled something out. She turned around and presented a teddy bear that was torn and burnt despite everything else in the chest seemed unscathed.
"That was a really nice tour but this place is going down like ten minutes so let's go" Barton ushered her out of the apartment with Stark in tow while I gave the apartment another glance before I followed them outside.

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