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It took me three hours to calm down enough to go see Holly. I wanted to stay with her but she gets scared so easily I didn't want to risk it.
"Holly" I called her and she poked her head out of the blankets. "You have to be hungry, you haven't eaten in days" she just stayed laying there. "What's wrong?"
"If they find mommy they're going to send me back..." I clenched my jaw and tightened my fist at the mention of her mother.
"I won't let them" she doesn't look like she believes me but she lets her blankets fall to her bed as she sits up. "Come with me, you have to eat" she reluctantly climbed out of her bed and followed close behind me to the kitchen. All of the avengers were talking but they quieted as we entered. I'm not sure if she noticed the looks of sadness and pity they gave her but she just followed me as she always does. I gave her a bowl of cereal and we sat at the bar in the kitchen. After we ate she just sat there waiting for me to tell her what to do.

"Hi Holly" I walked in and spoke in a kind voice but Holly jumped out of her chair and hid behind Loki. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I knelt down to her level and pulled out a Judy B Jones book from behind my back. "I just wanted to give you this" she looked up to Loki, asking permission to accept the book and he nodded to her. She carefully grabbed the book and returned to hiding behind him.
"Let's go to the library" Loki started to guide her to the door but Holly stopped and turned to me.
"Xiè xiè xiǎo jiě" she bowed quickly and followed behind Loki.

"What did you tell her?" I asked as we entered the library and took our usual seats on the couch.
"I said 'thank you miss' in Chinese" with that we sat silently reading. Or so I thought. Whenever I looked up from my book I saw that hers was open to the first page. After over a hour of her being on the first page I asked-
"Why aren't you reading?" she shifted under my gaze before she answered.
"I don't know how to read..." my face scrunched in confusion as I listened to her.
"Why can't you read?" as idiotic as Midgardians are, I'm fairly certain they teach their children to read.
"Because I'm stupid..." she looks down at the floor and my hands curled into fist.
"Who told you that?" I snarl already knowing the answer.
"Mommy said-"
"Your mother is an imbecilic quim!" she jumped at my voice and scooted away from me, out of reflex. For a while she just stares at me and we sit in silence until Stark came in.
"Hey reindeer games, hey Rudolph" Stark paused, waiting for laughter? or maybe retaliation? I don't really care. Holly looked at him confused for a few seconds before she turned to me.
"What's a Rudolph?" she whispered but Tony heard her.
"Okay that's it, we're watching movies tonight half pint"

Loki's adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now