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I brought Holly back to the tower last night and put her to bed. In the morning everything was like before. I woke up around 11 and went to get Holly who as usual was sitting on her bed waiting for me. Only difference is she's playing with her stuffed bear.
"Why don't you ever eat breakfast before me?" She looked at me like it was a stupid question.
"Everything is locked up" I scowl remembering how everything in her old apartment had locks on it.
"Not here. You can leave your room and get breakfast whenever you want" she nodded in understanding and grabbed my hand. We walk into the kitchen and Stark is the only one there.
"Hey short stuff" she let go of my hand and trotted off to sit next to Stark.
"Good morning Tony" she greeted him and I scowled as I open the fridge and pulled out milk for her cereal.
"Okay, I wasn't gonna say anything but what's up with the bear?" he asked her as I set down her bowl to get started on my own breakfast.
"It's my favorite" she held onto the bear even as she was eating.
"You do reliaze it looks like a really bad s'more right?" I glared at Stark as I took my seat next to Holly.
"What's a s'more?" Tony made a shocked expression and breathed in sharply.
"First off, Jarvis we're making s'mores tonight, now back to my original question why the creepy horror movie bear?" she giggled at his description of the bear. I've never heard her laugh before.
"It's always been my favorite. So if I'm bad mommy takes it. Sometimes she cuts it or burns it but it's still my bear" the more I hear about her mother the more it pisses me off. My grip tightens around the fork and knife I was using until they both were bent.
"Mr Stark, Mr Leeson is here" the familiar electronic voice drew me from my hate filled thoughts.
"Send him up" Stark smirked to no one then looked down to Holly. "So are you ready to meet your tutor?" she lifted her bowl to drink the milk from her cereal before she answered him.
"What's a tutor?" she looked to me for an answer. I wiped the milk mustache from her face as I answered her.
"It's someone who teaches you things"
"Like Tony and you?" I could help my lips curling into a smile.
"Yes, like that" just as I said that a man walked into the kitchen with a backpack and a laptop.
"Hello, you must be Holly" he knelt down and reach a hand out for her to shake. She looked between his hand and him a few times before she deemed it safe to shake his hand. "It's nice to meet you. My name is James Leeson"
"Why don't you guys work in the library?" at Tony's request she reluctantly got up and guided the man to the library. After she was out of earshot a huge grin came over his face. "Your jealous" I chuckled at the foolish notion.
"What exactly do you think I'm jealous of?" he walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink.
"You are jealous that Holly talks to other people now" I scoffed at him.
"I don't care what Holly does" he walks back around the bar drink in hand.
"Then why do you make that mean face whenever she talks to me?" he stood only a foot in front of me.
"Because I find you exceedingly annoying" I stood and we stared each other down.
"Just admit you care about Holly" at this point he was beginning to piss me off.
"I do not care about Holly!"

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