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Sorry for the late update, Wattpad wouldn't let me update... I hope you guys enjoy!

Tony watched movies with me all night long until Steve yelled at him to let me get some sleep. It was kind of fun. Jarvis woke me up again this morning and I got dressed in long sleeves and jeans. As I finished getting dressed someone knocked on the door. I jumped at first because no one had ever knocked on the door before. I was scared so I stayed very quiet and hid behind the door. After a minute the door opened slowly.
"Holly?" I recognized the voice so I calmed down. I stepped out from behind the door and looked up at Bruce. "Hey there, um, I have some news for you" I cocked my head at him. Usually he's calm but now he's acting nervous. "Tony heard you didn't know how to read so he hired you a tutor" he paused like that was all but he was still nervous. I wonder what a tutor is... "and Loki had to go on a mission but he'll be back in a week" once I realize what he meant a deep frown settled on my face. He left me alone? My eyes started to water and my breathe hitched in my throat. Bruce looked at me with sad eyes as my lip started to quiver. I turned and crawled under the bed to hide. Everything feels scary when I'm alone. My daddy used to protect me but he's gone and now Loki left me too. I heard Bruce leave after awhile but I stayed laying under the bed for hours. I don't want to be here anymore. I crawled out from under the bed and packed my bag. I snuck out of the tower quietly and ran.

"How'd she take the news?" I asked Bruce as he came out of his lab.
"Well she locked herself in her room all day" Bruce rubbed the back of his neck and looked down as he answered.
"I'm gonna go check on her" I headed off in the direction of her room. When I got there I pushed the door open slowly. I looked around the room and she wasn't in her bed. I checked under her bed, in the bathroom, and then in the closet. The closet was supposed to be filled with all of her clothes but instead there were just hangers. "Jarvis tell everyone to meet in the main room, now!"

"You're saying she's gone?" I nodded at Tony. I paced around the room as Tony sat with his drink at the bar and Bruce was listening from the couch. "Does anyone actually watch that kid?" I shot him glare.
"We need to find her" Bruce distracted me from Tony's comment and I crossed my arms and nodded.
"I agree, and we need to tell Loki that-"
"No, he needs to focus on his mission" I turned to see who interrupted me. Director Fury was standing in the doorway. "He's on an important mission. Now I trust you three can locate a little kid" I watched as he turned right back around and left.
"How hard could it be?" Tony asked no one as he sipped his whiskey.

Loki's adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now