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I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door. Flipping over, I call out,"Come in."

I could care less about who it was at the door or the fact that I'm still in bed.

"Good morning Y/n." It was Kiyoko.

"Good morning..."

"Sugaware said you weren't answering his texts so I came to check on you."

"Ahaha...I knew it." I groan out, flinging the covers off my body.

"If you want I can make breakfast for you?"

"Oh no thats okay...I made rice balls in advance."

"That's not substantial enough Y/n..."

"It's okay...I only eat a little anyways." I said, stepping off my bed and rubbed my eyes.

"Then I'll get your clothes and bed ready for you."

"...I can tell your not gonna give me a choice so I'll just go take a shower..." I giggled a bit with my remark.

"Alright shoo~" I felt her pat my back as I walked out.

No one seemed to be home...

"Hey did dad already leave?"

"Oh yeah...the boys have practice so he went early. We can show up a bit later."

"Alright cool..."

I ended up taking my usual boiling hot shower. It was my attempt to burn off some sad feelings...

I could still feel his hands holding my face...

Memories of my silent breakdown fled into my brain from last night...


I wiped my face of all tears. I couldn't let dad know how weak I was. I was his strong little girl after all...

"I'm home!" I called out, straining my voice to sound as normal as possible.

"Hey honey! How was the walk?" Dad was sitting on the couch watching the night news.

"It was good...refreshing."

"That's good. Want to sit with me for a bit?"

"Oh uhh...I'm going to head to bed now actually!"

"Oh! Okay, well sleep well."

"Thank you dad~!"

Maybe I sound too happy...

Walking into my room caused my face to drop. No tears fell. I felt empty...like a hallow casket.

I changed quickly into some pj's before landing on my bed. I reached for my headphones and shoved them on my head, put on some music, and focused on different instruments in each song to fall asleep...


I walked out of the bathroom and found clothes waiting for me on my bed side. Kiyoko was waiting at the kitchen table finishing some papers of which I could not see.

She had picked out a pair of black, thigh length shorts along with a white T-shirt and a blue flannel to top it off.

Damn what the fuck she has fashion sense...

I pulled on the outfit before brushing my hair. It thankfully wasn't super tangled. Grabbing some socks and my bag, I walk out.

"I'm ready!" I call out, swinging my arms in the air.

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