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... I know I dream about her all day,
I think about her with her clothes off,
I'm ridin round with my system pumpin LSD...

 I know I dream about her all day,I think about her with her clothes off,I'm ridin round with my system pumpin LSD

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"It doesn't always have to be about having a spiritual awakening or unlocking your inner mind. It can be about just having fun."

Harry looked at her nodded. "How's it different from shrooms? The trip?"

She smiled, "Just wait and see, love."

And soon, he saw.

The only times Harry had tried the disgusting dried up fungi his hallucinations had been what he'd call: worldly. That is, they were never multidimensional or numinous. It was more like having amplified senses and seeing new colors. But trippin on acid was like eating shrooms on steroids.

Instead of living on Earth, he'd beed transported to whole new universe. He traveled between dimensions every so often. Some filled with flying animated creatures, others with three-eyed deities being worshiped by fields of nature, one being just a void with a floating triangle, another an underwater maze filled with towers made of liquid rainbows.

Harry hadn't noticed when he'd suddenly slipped into the trip. He'd just been stargazing while laying on a blanket surrounded by many pillows that they'd set up on the viewing deck, when the world around him slowly morphed into swirling kaleidoscopic patterns. The light of the stars refracted in different directions as the moon seemed to swirl into itself while a gentle humming filled his ears with undistinguishable music that seemed to come from nowhere.

The process was slow, like pouring cold honey. It had begun with Amaya's voice sounding as if it where whispering from the other side of an endlessly stretching corridor. Then the music started, low and sweet. It could've been Amaya or maybe even himself singing, but whatever it was, it was a masterpiece to his ears. With it came a sudden surge of serenity, he felt himself float happily.

That's when the sky started dancing. The stars vibrated in hues of gold and white as they stretched far apart from each other while the moon chased them around. Planets came into focus then. Big orbs of pulsating rainbow lights rotating in the night sky and illuminating the world like a disco ball.

     It was an interesting sight. Watching the moon flash by, he wondered if Amaya's mother was the one conducting the chariot he saw pulling it along.

     Beside him, Amaya was in her own world of wonder. Hers displayed the moon as a wise eye, slowly blinking and scrutinizing her with three irises. Each one held a universe of its own inside, with different paths for her to follow through.

     She chose the middle one that wove between the purple eye's elongated pupil. The world around her turned hot pink as she zoomed through a tunnel inside the eye. She was transported to a garden, the wooded area around her house no longer nurturing trees but a field of giant lilies with lips in their center and stamens for tongues.

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