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"Harry!" Amaya's voice rang through the room, causing him to immediately lift his head from between his knees.

"Hey," he croaked when his gaze landed on her, his heart skipping a beat.

His voice had become a little rough after taking a short nap while waiting for her. He'd been exhausted after all the events of that day plus the previous mini discussion with his best mate. After it, he'd asked Mitch to leave before Amaya returned so he didn't have to act so hypocritically nice towards her if he didn't even like her in the first place.

Harry hated to admit he couldn't stand his closest friend when he became all protective and parental over him, specially when he was involved romantically with someone else. He would become so annoying and overly concerned, it would drive him mad. It was better to keep Mitch at a distance when Harry was in a relationship—or in this case, pining after someone—it gave him more peace of mind, as sad as it sounded.

"You look better," a smile tugged on his lips.

"Um, yeah," she scrunched up her face adorably. "I guess."

Harry extended a hand to beckon her. "Come 'ere."

Amaya took short, slow steps as she walked nearer, her uncertainty radiating. Harry encouraged her with his eyes until she reached him, slipping her hand tentatively in his, before having him pull her closer.

Amaya stood between Harry's legs looking awkwardly down at him while he studied her with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. His eyes ran over her face searching for any sign that she was still mad at him, relief washing over him when he noticed her soft gaze.

"I, uh," he cleared his throat, "I wanted to apologize, didn't wanna leave before doing it."

She groaned, "Harry-"

"No, let me," he pleaded. "Listen, I was wrong. I should've listened to you when you told me to let go. I was stupid, I thought I was helping, but now I realize that to help you I need to pay attention to what say you want, not do what I think you need."

Amaya was amused. "Harold, as much as I would love to blame it all on you," she pursed her lips. "It wasn't all your fault," she placed her free hand on his shoulder. "I have some other," she winced as she thought about it, "um... issues. Some personal stuff that had to do with it more than you. So don't stress, okay? Don't keep overthinking it. I was just hot, and overwhelmed, and stressed, and you caught me off guard. That was all."

Harry was still dubious, "You sure?"

     "Yes. If anything, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, I don't know what came over me."

     Harry's free hand went up to her waist to give a comforting squeeze. "Nah, it's okay. I get why you did it. You were just scared. I did drag you here against your will," he laughed softly.

"Yeah... we should really discuss that-" Amaya began, but was interrupted by her father's deep voice asking for her.


She turned, the hand holding onto Harry's letting go. She didn't step from between him though, the other hand on his shoulder staying put.

"I'm here, daddy."

The man found them with his eyes, his gaze instantly landing on Harry's hand on her hip which he immediately dropped.

"Come here a second, honey."

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