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"Oh shit, fuck!" His eyes widened in surprise.

Harry looked worried as he realized he'd almost crashed into the woman he'd been daydreaming about for weeks.

Amaya didn't seem to notice Harry almost run into her as her back stayed to him. Harry soon realized she was oblivious to him and watched as she walked away from him, stopping to lean against one of the large windows of the café. He could hear the loud music blast through her earphones from where he stood and smell the unpleasant smoke from her lit cigarette.

It seemed Amaya was about to turn around when Harry quickly fled the scene in the oposite direction. He cursed silently as he was forced to take the longer route to his car, but was grateful all the same that the beautiful woman hadn't noticed him.

Harry wasn't sure what he would've done if she had seen him. Would she actually have recognized him? Would she have freaked out and approached him? Would she have just let him pass by without an intervention? Would she have never even realized it was him?

Too many thoughts ran through the curly lad's mind as he pulled out of the parking space, his mind traveling a million miles a second. He was so immersed in his own world he didn't realize he'd driven to the recording studio where he spent most of his days. Harry didn't mean to go there in the first place, his muscle memory just led him to it as his head was too preoccupied to notice.

Harry decided to stay a while at the studio so he called his friends as he made his way through the door, waiting for them inside as they slowly arrived one by one. Mitch was the first one to appear, followed by Jeff, then finally Hull. They weren't at all surprised Harry had called them out of the blue for a writing session. After all, they were quite acquainted with Harry's weird bursts of inspiration from time to time. So, when they were all finally together, laying back on couches surrounding a coffee table, Hull was the first to ask.

"Whatcha have in mind, Gary?"

     "I have a few lyrics that have been going through my mind lately, but I don't really have a structure for them yet." Harry pulled out his tea spilled notes and set them on the table before them.

     Mitch reached over and grabbed the papers, reading them aloud for the others to hear, "She's the first one that I see... She lives in daydreams with me... I don't know why, I don't know who she is..."

     "They're not much, yet. They're just a blue print. We'd have to think of what to build with them," Harry reached for his notes back, "I just thought of them one day, then they never left. But we can work around them. I wanna compose something that tells a story with this song."

     "I like 'em, H," Mitch nodded, as he seemed to be contemplating something. "Already gave me a few ideas."

     Harry smiled at him as Hull stood quickly to his feet with a mischievous smirk, making them all jump slightly in surprise.

     "Then who's ready for a trip?"


"H, H!"

Harry groaned and rolled over, his face nuzzling into the sand.


"Haz, wake up man, we gotta go," Mitch shook him.

"What the fu-"

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