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Harry Styles was no stranger to stranger's attention, he'd learned to cope with the stares and continue with his day. Yet, he was unfamiliar with being the stranger staring. He was in uncharted territory as he admired the beauty that passed before him, her gaze directed before her and unaware of his attention on her.

     The first time Harry Styles had laid eyes on the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen, he was sat alone in a corner shop café hoping to find some peace by himself and write a few lyrics. He'd stumbled upon the café on an earlier occasion as he tried to avoid press, and almost ran into the shop's door, amazed when he saw he found himself inside a beautiful sunflower wonderland.

     The café soon turned into an escape place—a safe haven—when he wanted to be by himself. He'd only been there before less than five times when he saw her first. He'd figured out its rush hour by his third visit, and would only stop by around its quiet time. That way he could sit peacefully and enjoy the soft music that played in the background and the sweet smell of coffee and pastries, as he contemplated whatever it was he was contemplating that day.

The day Harry considered his eyes were blessed by the heavens, was a lazy Wednesday at late morning. He sat apart from the other customers in a partially secluded nook, his tea and french toasts seating before him perfectly untouched. His food had just arrived but he'd taken no notice of this, as just as the food was set down before him did the breathtaking woman step through the door. His eyes were immediately drawn to her as he heard her voice ring through the almost empty place.

"I'm here bitches," she singsonged, "Oh ew, what is this bullshit music?" she scrunched her nose in distaste.

The beautiful woman seemed to be someone familiar to the place as she entered with such authority. He watched as she dug her phone from her back pocket and seemed to fumble with it, the music in the café changing instantly. "There we are," she smiled, and gracefully walked to the cashier, her smile growing as she spotted the blonde behind it.

     She took no notice of Harry as she passed by him, her eyes glued to the blonde woman before her. Harry took a sip of his tea as his eyes remained on her, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to understand what she was saying.

"'Ello love," she smirked, walking behind the bar, placing a hand on the blonde's cheek, kissing the other. "Lots to do today, how's my baby doing today?"

Harry took a bite from his toasts not really seaming to realize what he was doing as he kept his stare, trying hard not to be too noticeable. He was very intrigued by this woman's presence yet, he couldn't understand why.

The cashier giggled at her, answering, "This morning was pretty hectic, good thing you weren't here," she laughed at this, Harry confused as he tried to understand them. She continued, "But it's been overall good, Gabriela's just gone on break, and Hector is out taking the trash, and I think Sofia's on break as well—though she could just be smoking in the bathroom. Oh, and the others are in the kitchen."

The beauty was looking around as her friend—or girlfriend?—seemed to be filling her in on the ongoing events.

"Sofia better share if she doesn't want her ass fired," she mumbled as she furrowed her eyebrows, staring down at the island where they placed the customer's coffee orders. She ran a finger over it and made a grossed out face as she exclaimed, "Why is this place so fucking dirty? Don't I pay you to clean this shit?"

Harry wasn't sure why he found this conversation so interesting, yet he couldn't force himself to look away, specially at the curly-haired beauty. She really was a sight for his sore eyes. The brunette attracted his attention more so as his eyes danced over her figure, now realizing what she was wearing.

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