Chapter 3

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"Whoa! Sorry!!" A girl, on the taller side, said as she tripped and fell on me and Skyler. "JERKS!!" She turned and yelled at some jocks about 3 feet behind her.

"Are you okay?" I asked, realizing she didn't trip, she was shoved. Hard.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay? Considering I just fell on you two," she said. I really wish she would tell me who she is.

"Yeah we're okay. But what happened?!" Me and Skyler ask in unison.

"Well, ya see those football players over there? So, Brad, the REALLY tall one in the middle, well, he's my ex. We broke up about one, no, two years ago, and he saw me hugging Austin, my boyfriend, who's walking this way, and Brad tried to kiss me and I backed away, and Brad got all mad, then hit me, so I tried to slap him, but he pushed me, REALLY hard, so I fell on you guys. Oh, I'm Jasmine by the way." She said holding out a hand for us to shake. FINALLY A NAME!!!

Shaking her hand, I said, "Well, I'm Nicole, this is Caleb, Skyler, and Nate."

"Nice to meet you guys. Oh, Austin, this is Nicole, Caleb, Skyler, and Nate. Guys, this is Austin," she said with a smile as Austin wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

"How come we haven't seen you around school?" Skyler asked, as if she's being rushed.

"Skyler!" I half whisper, half yell at her.

"It's fine, Nicole. And I just transferred schools. I'm 15 and going into Sophomore year," she said like she still hasn't gotten used to saying that.

"Cool! Us too! Well, me and Nicole. Nate's 16 going in Junior year," Skyler said through a mouthful of fluffy pink cotton candy, that turned to pink mush in 2.0 seconds.

"Cool, maybe we'll have some classes together Nate," Austin said with a smile, I think. I couldn't tell for sure.

"Well I guess I'm just the loner now aren't I?" Caleb laughed as he put his arm around me.

"What do you mean?" Jasmine asked. I forgot, we just met. But something about her makes you feel like you two have been best friends since day 1.

"Oh, I was kidding. But you three girls are the same age, same grade and so are Nate and Austin," Caleb said.

"Oh. Well, them how old are you? What grade are you in?" Jasmine asked, like she was on the edge of her seat... even though we were standing, but you get the picture.

"17, Junior," Caleb told her.

"Hey Jasmine isn't that those guys..." I couldn't finish. They threw their drinks in all of our faces... wait nope, just us girls.

"Who was that?!" Caleb, Austin, and Nate all asked, about the same time, all red with anger.

"My ex and his little posse," Jasmine explained as she wiped her face.

"Ewww! What's that black stuff dripping from your eyes? And you, Nicole! AND Skyler?! What's going on?!?" Austin asked us all, freaking out.

"Austin, relax! It's just mascara! Everyone wears it, duh!" Jasmine explained, sounding a little offended and annoyed.

"Let's just go to the bathroom and fix it," Skyler said, pointing to the bathroom, which was 5 feet away.

"Good idea. After that, I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to go home," I said with a frown.

"I think we should. We have to get you girls home before your curfew," Austin said looking at Jasmine.

We went to the bathroom and washed our faces, then we decided to leave.


"Thanks for driving me home," I say to Caleb shyly.

"No problem," he said as we walked up to my doorstep.

As I turn to open my door, Caleb stops me, and leans in to kiss me goodnight, but, that doesn't happen. As he tried to kiss me, my dad walked by to see if I was home because he heard the door open.

"What do you think you are doing to my daughter?" My dad asked, pushing Caleb back to his car.

"Dad stop!!" I yell trying to help.

"You listen to ME mister, you can NEVER see my daughter again. Do you understand me?!" My dad yelled at Caleb, ignoring me.

"Y-yes sir," Caleb said nervously getting into his car.

"Dad WHAT did you do?!" I shouted as he was walking back to the door.

"No dating. You're 15," was all he said, then he walked inside, shutting the door behind him.

I see Caleb in his car, bent over in his lap, like he was writing something on his jeans. He sat up straight and held a note to the window.

Look @ ur contacts :) is what the note said. I looked, and I saw it. Caleb's number. I smiled and texted him goodnight. Then I went upstairs to my room, trying not to smile because my dad would know something's up, and changed into my pajamas. I texted Caleb all night. That's all I remember. Texting, texting, texting.

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