Chapter 14

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I wake up, tangled in Caleb's arms, and look at the clock on the wall; 5:34 a.m. Ugh well I better get up and trade places with Skyler before my parents figure out that I'm not there...

Caleb sounds like he's starting to wake up, so I try to tell him that we better leave.

"But why...!!" He whines.

"Because I don't want to get caught and end up spending the rest of my life rotting away in my room," I reply sharply.

"Ugh fineeee..." he finally gets up.


We walk quietly upstairs, trying not to wake up Sam.

"Oh hey guys," Sam yawns.

"Sam!" I jump, expecting him to still be sleeping. "Hey."

"Sup," Caleb says and turns towards me. "We should get going so you can get back to sleep."

"Oh...Kay..." I yawn.

We head towards the door, and right before we walk outside into the cool air, I hear Sam shout, "Nicole! Nice hair!"

Stupid bed-head...

soooooo sorry for not updating in foooorrrrrever, AND the super short, super sucky chapter.

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