Chapter 8

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C- So 7?

N- Yeah, sounds good:)

C- I'm picking tonite tho;)

N- fine! But I pick the snacks

N- wait! You ALWAYS pick the movie! It's MY turn

C- haha okay:) your house right?

N- yepp
I text back, looking for a movie for us to watch.

C- wanna know something?

N- sure...
I type nervously.

C- you're adorable:)

N- awh:) y do u say that

C- cuz u r and I don't say it enough

N- well, you're adorable too:)

C- thx bb<3

N- hey I found a movie!
I text back, holding the DVD.

C- well...

N- what

C- what movie is it sweet cheeks
He always comes up with pet names to call me.

N- not tellin;)

C- Nicole! TELL ME

N- byeeee
My phone is 1% and I rush upstairs to charge it.

I didn't make it upstairs in time. But right before it goes dead, it flashes a text from Caleb.

I saw it and laughed as I plugged in my phone.


I hear a knock at the door and I rush down stairs. Since me and Caleb are having another movie night, I just decided on wearing my pajamas and after failing to do a messy bun, a ponytail. I reach the door, and turn the knob. I open the door, and it's not Caleb. I don't know who it is, because they have a ski mask covering g their face. But I'm not focused on the mask, I'm staring at the gun he has pointed at me. The mysterious gunman then says, "Give me all your money, and you might not get shot." But before I could do anything, the guy crashes to the ground in front of me. I look up and see Caleb holding a big rock.

"Caleb!" I say in tears.

He wraps me in his arms. "Nicole, it's okay. Shh... it's okay." He says, stroking my hair, comforting me.

"I-I thought it was you... It-it's about s-seven, so I-I thought it was y-you..." I say, my face right under his because he is taller than me.

"Nicole, it's okay. I don't care. I'm just glad you're okay. I-I couldn't have lived with myself if anything happened to you."

•*•after the police arrest the thief

"Caleb..." I say looking into his deep blue eyes.

"What?" He asks, eyeing me. Worried.

"I-I can't stay here. Especially since my parents are out of town for the next few weeks. I-I just can't." I sob louder.

"Then you're staying at my place."

"Are-would your parents be okay with that?" I ask.

"Yeah. Especially after what just happened. But you should call your parents just so they know."

"But Caleb... I can't tell them that... They don't know we are dating, remember."

"Well, I can't let you get a room at a hotel, you'll still be by yourself, and I have to stay with you to know you're safe. So I can't protect you."

"I don't think I can tell them we are dating... not yet, not now, and defiantly not over the phone... I'll just tell them that I'm staying with a friend from school..."

"Nicole, I don't like the idea about not telling your parents about us, but I agree. Not now over the phone. I want to do it in person, and I want to be there. I wish we would've told them a long time ago, yes. But I respect your decision. Just as long as you are safe and with me."

I smile weakly. "Okay." I whisper.

•*•Caleb's POV

She walks away to call her parents. Five minutes later she comes back. Not looking sad, but not exactly happy either.

"What happened? What'd they say?" I ask nervously.

"They weren't exactly peachy-keen on the idea that I was staying at a boy's house, but they were okay with it after I told them that Sky and Jas were gone, and after I told them what happened today."

I felt so relieved. "Okay, well let's go get you packed." I say as I start heading towards the stairs.

"They also said that they would come back today, but they can't, and they also have to stay another month." She says, following me.

"Oh... well, we better pack you more clothes." I half laugh.

•*•Back to Nicole's POV

I get packed and we get into Caleb's car.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Nicole. I told you I called my parents and they are more than fine with it. They said that if I wasn't bringing you, they would've come to your house and picked you up in a heartbeat."

"Okay." Was all I could manage to get out.

"Oh, I almost forgot, they know you're my girlfriend, and they are happy to finally get to meet you."

"What? I-I can't meet your parents looking like this!" I say gesturing to my pajamas.

"Nicole, it's fine. You look beautiful, as always." I blush when he says that. Then I hear him whisper, "I think you look better without make-up." But I don't think I was supposed to hear that.


"Oh, another thing," he says after a while of driving. "My parents work all night, and some of the day, so we will be by ourselves a lot, if you're alright with that. If you're not, my mom said she'd take off work-" I cut him off.

"It's fine." I smile. "Okay I hope you don't mind, but not having the radio on has been killing me!" I say turning the radio on Kiss 107.

We sing along to the radio the rest if the way to his house.

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