Langauge Part 2

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Plopping down on your couch after another day reading through bad translations, you turned on the tv in your apartment. There's nothing but news on at 6:30 in the evening, so you lower the volume for background noise.

It had been three days since you met S on the subway. You hadn't had the time to think about him until now. S was an odd name. Maybe it was short for a hard to pronounce name. Maybe it was it the language you didn't know! That reminded you to text him.

[hey, its Y/N from the subway. Sorry I didn't text you for a few days, I've been busy with work. Did you want to schedule a time to meet up?]

His reply came quicker than expected.

[You're completely fine. I'm free anytime on the weekends. How does Saturday sound for you?]

[Perfect. There's a café that was close to my stop on the subway. I can send you the address?]

[That works for me. 😊 11?]


After sending him the address you practically jumped for joy. It had been ages since you last learned something new. You had a smile plastered onto your face until Saturday.

You arrived at the café with a bag in tow. It held a couple notebooks, colour coded pens, and way too many stick-notes. S was already sitting at a table in the back. He didn't notice you until you came up to the table.

"Hello, S! Thank you so much for offering to teach me." He motioned that it was okay for you to sit down. "It's not a problem. I haven't seen someone so willing to learn something in forever. It's... refreshing." He smiled and you might have fallen if you hadn't been sitting down. Who had the audacity to make this man so pretty? You ordered a drink while he started to tell you about the language.

He said you could call the language whatever you wanted, since you couldn't pronounce it. "Blondish". "Why blondish?" He asked you when you said it. "Because that was the first thing I saw." You gestured to his head. He rolled his eyes and started you off with the writing system.

It was similar to the Cyrillic alphabet, but there were twice as many letters, many of them combing letters. This part was easy because many of the letters matched with English ones. By 4 in the afternoon, you already knew the extensive alphabet. "I'm impressed, it should have taken at least three days to remember all of them." His eyes widened when you finished writing them down. "You might even have better handwriting than me." You blushed at the constant praise. "I guess so?" You started to pick up your stuff. "Anyway, you wanna do this again next week? I had a lot of fun!" Your blushing increases when he chuckled and replied. "Sure. Same place?" "Yep." Saying your goodbyes, you left for home.

This went on for a few more weeks. Your meetings soon turned from only learning the language, to learning more about each other.  You told him about your family, and you learned he had 6 brothers he lived with. He was the fourth born out of them. The way he talked about them was as if they were the bane of his existence. It was really cute seeing him talk about how his older brother had gambled too much of his money away and asked him for more. Or how his younger brother ate out the fridge and they didn't have enough food for dinner one night.

"Next time, do you want to come over to my place?" You blurted out after another lesson. "Sure, you'd just have to give me the address." Your mouth hung open a little. He was completely unfazed by the question. You had rehearsed it so many times on the way here, being so nervous. You were inviting a man you met on the subway only a few weeks ago into your home. You shook off the shock and wrote it down.

For the first half of the week, you thought about something you could do for him. You offered to pay him for teaching you, but he refused. "I'm doing this for fun. You owe me nothing." There was no way you were taking no for an answer. You went out to the bookstore to see if you could find a book he hasn't already read. On the shelf, you saw the perfect book. It was a book you read a long time ago, and you even called it your favourite for a few years. It was a mystery, a genre he mentioned a couple times. Hopefully he hasn't read it before.

At 11 am sharp, he knocked on the door. "Hey, thank you for coming over" "Of course, it's no problem." "Now, before we start, I know you told me I didn't owe you anything, but I'm not taking no for an answer." He chuckled as you went to get the book.

Hiding it behind you back you said, "Close your eyes." "Why would I do that?" "Please?" He sighed and closed his eyes. You took his hand and placed the book in it. Realizing what you were doing, you quickly pulled away.

"It's a book." "No shit sherlock, now you can open your eyes." You looked at him with expecting eyes. You fidgeted with your fingers as he read the title.

"A mystery?" he said incredulously. "And one that I haven't read yet. You may not know, but that is a feat in and of itself." He stared at you in disbelief. "There's no way you've read every mystery book on the planet. I saw it at the bookstore, and I remember reading it as a kid. I thought you might like it." "Well, I do try to read them all. I'll read this as soon as I get home."

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