not a story :(

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sorry this isn't a story, but i'm getting on those as fast as i can with school and other ✨stuff✨

but any-who i'm getting to a point where i have an entire word doc of abandoned works and my own prompts that never went anywhere, and i really don't want to delete them...

i was wondering if anyone would be interested in me making a book full of them or something on Ao3? i'd let anyone use them as long as i got credit and you tag me in them so i could see them :)
(i could also theoretically make a google doc/word doc and put it in my linktree)

but yeah in ~two weeks when finals are over i should have something to post (•̀ᴗ•́)و
thank your for your patience (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

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