❤️ Little fluffy imagines ❤️

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Some fluff to  recover from Mammon's torture <3


-Him putting his coat on you when your sleeping
-seeing him in sweatpants at 2 in the morning
-piano lessons that turn into story-times
-bringing him is last cup of coffee for the night
-tying his tie and straightening out his outfit
-only you get to call him Luci


-Sneaking around, having given up on being sneaky in favour of giggling
-playing pranks on your exes
-intentional 'unintentional' matching outfits
-stealing his sunglasses and jacket, Maybe even pretending to be him
-using each other's scent sprays
-bringing snacks to one of his photoshoots
-covering his eyes during scary parts in horror films


-Being squished in his bathtub, the only option being to lay on top of him
-him ranting to you about an anime and realising your sleepy, so he quiets himself little by little so you can sleep to the sound of his voice
-sliding memes under each other's doors
-laying in the ocean together, him holding you up so you don't get tired
-talking to him while he makes a new cosplay


-Laying on his bed, him stroking your hair while the two of you read
-His eyes lighting up when he finds a stray cat and gets cat hair all over him when the cat walks on top of him
-trying to scientifically/logical magically explain soulmates with each other
-geocaching (finding little packages hidden by other people through an app)


-Sexual sounding but innocent inside jokes
-flower crowns
-shipping the brothers with other people together
-long baths together
-late-night ice cream gossip sessions
-taking couple photoshoots for his devilgram


-Feeding each other ice cream in the middle of the night
-him picking you up and spinning you around
-cheering him on during his games
-never being able to pay each other back because of a never-ending 'but I owe you'
-massaging out his workout cramps
-trying to see who can stand Solomon's cooking the longest
-going grocery shopping after he cleans out the fridge again


- "You're my favourite pillow"
-Stargazing and cuddles
-half jokingly planning world-domination
-good morning kisses
-him using your thighs as pillows
-"If you die, I'll kill you"


-Long tours around the castle, not even talking about the history of it, but telling each other stories about yourselves
- "Do you trust me?" before flying around the devildom with you
-forehead touches
-randomly popping into the room you're in to say 'I Love You'
-slow dancing to music in an empty ballroom


-Pinkie holds
-giving him back rubs and scratches after a long day
-making breakfast for just the two of you before he has to make everyone else's


-Long staring into each other's eyes
-Rocking a swing you're both sitting on with his leg while you take a nap on his shoulder
-him softly singing to you and you singing the duet to it
-proofreading his new chapter
-getting small poems in your lunches whenever he makes it


-introducing him to normal human things for 10-year-olds, and him loving them (but don't tell him they're for little kids lol)
-him falling asleep on you after a long-time playing tag
-baking random things that might not work
-Fixing his clothes before he leaves


-Throwing his horrible cooking in a food fight and then ordering take out
-watching him do wizard stuff in the moonlight
-dancing in the rain after collecting rainwater
-leaving notes to each other in random places (schoolbooks, the fridge)
-closing his books when he studies for too long

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