Language - Satan x Reader

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A/N - idk if this is fluff or not cause it's just Satan being Satan so...
In this au, you haven't been to the devildom before.

You walked onto the subway and sat in the seat you always sat at. A normal Tuesday.

*Ding* You looked down at the text you got. "Don't forget, Mr. Adams told us the deadline moved up and the translations are due earlier. You sent a quick thank you with a sigh. You worked as an interpreter for one of the biggest publishing companies in the world. You just had to make sure the message the book was trying to send got through the translation.

When you were little, your parents decided that you needed to learn every single language the world had to offer. English, Japanese, Arabic, even Maltese. You held the world record for the greatest number of languages fluent in, and the most languages to be able to read.

You went to put on your headphones to drown out the subway chatter, but a man came up to you. "It this seat taken?" He asked. You looked around before saying it wasn't. Today was a busier day than usual. The only seats other than the one next to you open were the handicapped ones.

You only put one earphone in, just to stay cautious around the new person. He didn't say anything and pulled out a small notebook. Its pages looked well cared for, but still used, and the cover looked like an expensive leather. You didn't notice you were staring until he popped open the clasp holding it together.

Tearing your gaze away you focused on your phone. After a while, you glanced back over to the man to get a better look at him, and not his notebook. His hair was a bright and fluffy blonde. It was almost yellow in the artificial lighting. His eyes were focused on the paper, but you could see hints of blue and green. You looked down at the notebook again. His nails were painted a dark green, and he held the pen with an elegant firmness.

'I wonder what he's writing?' You though to yourself. Before you could think about, oh, I don't know, his privacy, you started to read the page. Or, rather you tried to. You squinted your eyes to try to make sense of the writing. It wasn't anything you've ever seen before.

You let out a small huff of annoyance before you could stop yourself. The man noticed and closed his book. "Interested?" He asked in an annoyed tone. "Oh! Sorry I- I was just-" "Never mind, just mind your own business." He adjusted the way he sat so you couldn't see the pages as well.

"Actually," you started, "What language is that? I don't recognise it." "The Cyrillic alphabet," he responded curtly. "No it's not. I know that. I don't know this." Your curiosity got the better of you. You might have another language to learn.

He stared at you for a second and sighed. "It doesn't have a pronounceable name." Your eyes lit up. "Do you know where I could learn to read it?" If you had a tail, it would be knocking the people around you over. "No." He said quickly before going back to his writing. You were taken aback. "Well then how do you know it?" He ignored your question. You huffed and thought for a second. 'How do you get a rude but really hot dude next to you to tell you more about the weird language he's writing in.' "Can you help me look it up myself?" "No." "Rude." you muttered under your breath.

He finally turned to glare at you before shaking his head and switching his notebook for a reading book. "How to hex your overbearing older brother." Weirdly specific.

You decided to try one last time, and you pulled out your trump card. "I know every learnable language on the planet, and I would like to keep it that way. If you know it, then I can know it." He finally looked at you with an expression other than annoyance. "Oh really?" He closed his book and started testing your claim by asking you different questions in other languages.

He started with easy ones. "Qué hora es?" (What time is it?) "Son las seis y cuarto de" (A quarter past six) Then harder ones. "Koja je vaša omiljena boja?" (What is your favourite colour?) "Ja nemam jedan. Ali plava je lijepa." (I don't have one. But blue is beautiful.) "Defterim nelerden yapılmış?" (What is my notebook made out of?) "Bu çok kolay. Süslü deri." (This is easy. Fancy leather.) He even went as far as to try the game language Klingon. 

"(L%9 v07o$ ^3 a2$$y 2g0!t %8%#." You didn't understand the sounds coming out of his mouth. There were small grunts in between guttural and soft letters. Forgetting to even question how he even knew all of those languages, you asked him, "Was that the language you were writing earlier?" "Shit. Nope just-" "Alright then." If he wasn't going to budge on that, you weren't going to talk to him anymore. It was your turn to be rude.

The person over the intercom spoke, reminding you where you were. It was your stop, so you got up and went to leave. Before you could, a hand grabbed onto your arm. It was the man. He handed and you a piece of paper and said, "That's my number. I'll think about teaching you." You almost jumped for joy. "Yes! Finally!"

Right before you walked away you remembered. You never exchanged names. "Oh, before I go, my names Y/N." "Uh, you can call me S." "Just S?" "Just S." "Okay then. Bye S!" "Goodbye Y/N."

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