Your turn~

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~TW Violence~

Toga grabbed my arm, pulling me out the door of the LOV hideout. I was able to grab Dabi's hood, dragging him with us. 

"What the fuck!" He yelled when I let go, rubbing his throat where his hoodie pulled against it. 

"I wasn't about to follow Toga somewhere alone!" I reasoned. 

"That's not very nice, Deku!" Toga pouted, her cat-like eyes large in the moonlight. 

"What do you want, Toga?" Dabi growled, arms crossed over his chest. 

"I wanna do something fun! Stab some people, get some more blood!" She cried out, her large smile appearing back on her face, her sharp teeth on display. 

"I could go for some excitement," I smirked, rolling up the sleeves of my white button-down shirt, adjusting my dark red tie. 

"If I don't go one of you will get caught," Dabi mumbled. 

"You underestimate us," I purred out, causing Dabi to roll his eyes. 

"No, you just don't know when to stop," He shot back. 

"Whatever! Let's just go!" Toga said, grabbing my hand again, and pulling on Dabi's sleeve. 

 A few minutes later we had 2 guys cornered in an alleyway, both pulled out weapons from their hoodie pockets, causing me to laugh. The guy on the right was small and frail, but he decided a knife would protect him, and the guy on the right was taller, and bigger built, but pepper spray wouldn't do anything against us. 

"I call these ones," I purred. 

"Fine, they aren't cute anyway," Toga said, putting her knife and syringe back in her pocket. 

"Just let us go!" The bigger one said, his voice shaking slightly. 

"I don't think so, you see, I have had such a dull week. I need some excitement, some fun, if you know what I mean," I responded, pulling out my large knife from its shieth around my thigh. 

"We can get you money!" The smaller one spoke up. I laughed at his attempt, letting my voice take up a psychotic tone. The two men backed away, backs pressed up against the brick wall. 

I moved closer, taking my time. I wanted to watch as their fearful faces turned blank, the life draining from their eyes as blood soaked into the concrete. 

The bigger guy lifted his hand, fiddling with the button on the pepper spray. In one swift motion, I knocked it out of his hands, listening to it hit the side of the building and clatter to the ground. The other guy tried attacking me next. He ran at me, waving his tiny pocket knife around like crazy, hoping for it to hit me. I laughed at his antics, sidestepping the poor attempt at self-defense. I moved to the side, plunging the knife into the smaller man's hip, listening to the knife cut skin and the cry of pain the man let out. 

I removed the knife from the smaller dude, turning to the larger guy just as he froze, his eyes staring at the red splattered all over my shirt and vest. 

"Your turn," I hummed, jumping at him with speed and agility. In no time his throat was slit and his body was dumped on the ground. I had blood splattered all over my face and clothes, the white fabric stained red. 

I looked down at the lifeless bodies of the 2 men, smiling at the look of frozen fear on their pale faces. Blood pooled in the nooks and crannies of the concrete, making rivers of red that flowed all the way out to the street. I turned back to my friends, seeing Dabi's approving look, and Toga's bat shit crazy smile. 

I gave them a crazed smile of my own, my insanity leeking out of my eyes and mouth. 

"What next?" I asked softly, licking a drop of blood from my black gloves. 

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