33 • To Pure to be Spilled

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It was the day of the full moon, so all Remus's emotions were heightened, of course. Anger, love, happiness, lust, sadness, jealousy, disgust. So of course, with his body also aching, he spend the day on bedrest. Coco spent the day with him, because it seemed neither of them could be left alone. Remus would break down if by himself on a full moon, and lately Coco couldn't handle being alone.

In an empty room with just herself for company, all she could think of was her brother, and how much she missed him. After loosing her family, she thought about if she lost her friends. If she lost Remus. It seemed lately, being alone was too much for her, so Coco's friends always made sure she was with someone. She made up an excuse with the teachers to be exempt from classes that day. They laid together, in each other's warmth.

Soon it was apparent he couldn't fall asleep with all the pain he was in, so they played Wizard's Chess together on the floor. Remus was always amazing at Wizards Chess, which annoyed Colette and her need to win. Remus had just won another game, and Coco threw her hands up in anger.

"I'm done playing this stupid game." She growled, and crossed her arms.

"Oh c'mom, what else are we supposed to do?" Remus sighed, and chuckled slightly at his girlfriends anger.

"Something that I can win at." She replied, holding back a smile. Remus shrugged sarcastically.

"Cant think of anything." He teased, and she huffed at his response, and gave him a deadly glare.

"Did you read the Daily Prophet this morning?" Remus added after a moment of sarcastic glares at him. Coco exhaled, and leaned her head on her hand.

"I've been choosing not to read that lately." She replied in a dry voice.

"Can I tell you what happened?" Remus asked. Coco thought of saying no, but then decided to just let him say whatever he wants to distract him from his condition. She gave him a brisk nod.

"Well," He hesitated. "13 muggleborns killed at a pub last night."

A shaky, shocked breath came out of Colette's mouth, and her hand made its way up to her lips. She furrowed her eyebrows, and the fear of knowing that can one day be Lily found it's was to her mind, only making the dread worse. It was nauseating what the 'Dark Lord' was doing. Her mind then flickered to the thought- no - could her parents have something to do with it? Well obviously they did, but it was more of a question of wether or not they were directly involved. Worst of all- what if her brother was involved.

The silence dragged on for too much time, and Remus noticed.

"What are you thinking about?" He questioned. Colette didn't want any of her stress to fall on Remus's so she put on a quick smile and looked back up at him.

"I'm not." She said. Remus looked at her in disbelief, so she continued.

"Moony, I'm not." She said with a chuckle in her voice. Remus deeply inhaled, then crossed him arms, and tilted one eye brown up at Colette.

"You do that thing when you're thinking really hard. You furrow your eyebrows and bite the inside of your cheek. Bonus points for extra thinking if you look down while doing so." He corrected.

There was a rush in her stomach for that feeling which people crave so much being satisfied. The feeling of someone knowing you better then you know yourself, and noticing your small mannerisms that everyone else overlooks. This put a small smile on her face, and Coco tried to hide her blush.

"Fine. I was thinking about my family. They're siding with the Dark Lord, are they not?" She said with little to no emotion.

"Oh Cocobear..." He comforted, moving himself closer to her. He placed one of his calloused yet soft hands on Coco's cheek, and lightly kissed her. It was perfect. It made her forget of her family, and feel an incredible sense of individuality and love. She put a hand on the back of his head, fingers weaving through his hair.

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