24 • Antimagus

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They had explained everything to Lily, and she'd taken it oddly well. It was the day of the full moon, and Remus was on bedrest. Coco sat next to him in the bed, and Lily sat at the foot of the bed with James. Sirius kneeled next to the bed, leaning on it, and Peter did the same on the other side.

"How can you stand to sit near me? I'm a monster." Remus asked Lily sadly.

"And I'm Coco." Coco shrugged.

"I'm the best on the quidditch team." James said.

"I'm obnoxious. See- no difference between us." Sirius shrugged. Remus smiled sadly at his friends, and Lily chuckled.

"Remus - you sleep with tons of random shit uncomfortably on your bed so that none of them feel left out. Forgive me if I don't find you very scary." Lily joked.

"I can kill people." Remus pressed on further, and James rolled his eyes.

"So can I if I wanted to, but like I don't." James said. Remus's eyes seemed teary, and Coco put her arm around him and he leaned into her.

"I couldn't ask for better friends." Remus said gratefully.

"So lemme get this straight- James a stag, hence the name 'Prongs," Lily began, and pointed at James.

"Yeah, awfully strong too. You can ride me any time." James said with a wink. Lily made a disgusted face at him, but continued.

"Coco is a bear, and that's why you call her Cocobear. Not very creative." Lily continued with a laugh.

"Awfully small too." Sirius said, and pointed his wand at Coco. A small white stream came out of his wand, and Coco found herself quickly turning into bear form.

Lily let out a small scream, and furiously looked at Sirius.

"That's not small!" She yelled. "That's massive!"

"They can get up to like 9 ft tall." Peter said. Coco clawed at him and he yelped. Coco turned back into her human form.

"And my bear form is like six feet tall, big difference." She said sarcastically, and huffed.

"Sirius is a dog, which makes sense because 'Padfoot'." Lily then clarified.

"The one and only." Sirius agreed, and finally she pointed at Peter.

"And you're a rat.... Wormtail." Lily finally said. Peter meekly nodded.

"You can tell the difference between him and other rats because this." James said. He pointed his wand at Peter, who tuned into a rat. James picked the squeaking animal up and picked up its tail.

"He's got a fat tail. And he's a big longer then most rats." He said, then Peter turned back.

"Don't turn me without warning, it's scary when you're all giants." Peter complained as he caught his breath and dusted himself off.

"This is marvelous!" Lily said with a big smile on her face.

Remus yawned.

"I think we should let you get rest now." Coco said, and held his hand. Everyone said their goodbyes, and Coco gave his hand a kiss.

"You'll be okay." She said with a smile.

"I can hear him moaning and groaning in there, don't you think you should get him now?" Lily said in a worried voice. It was the night of the full moon, and everyone James, Peter, Sirius, Coco, and Lily stood outside of the marauder's dorm.

James was staring at the marauders map, watching everyone in their path. The teachers would let Remus pass through, but not the rest of them. Though, Lily wasn't going since she wasn't an antimagus, of course.

"Can filch fucking move?" James yelled at the map. Filch was pacing, but they saw peeves in a nearby hall, so Filch began moving towards that direction.

"Now." Sirius said, and they went into the dorm room and got Remus. Lily was shocked at the sight of him. Never had she seen someone look this miserable.

Sirius and James each stood on a side of Remus, helping him walk, and Lily, Peter, and Coco trailed them under the invisibility cloak, with the marauders map in hand. When they safely reached the door, they had to say their goodbyes to Lily, and headed off towards the whomping willow...

And so the night began.


this chapter was short and sucked, but it was just kinda to show like Lily knowing about everything 👁👄👁

thank you so much for reading <3

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