31 • Is That a Yes?

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As soon as James returned to the Gryffindor common room, sweaty but smiley, the party began.

"WE BEAT THEM!" Sirius chanted, and him and Remus hoisted James up on their shoulder. The room was already packed with food, since Coco and Peter immediately went down to the kitchens and got some when the game had ended.

As soon as James was brought down from his position in the air, Lily ran into his arms, and jumped. James caught her happily, hands on her thighs to keep her steady, and she gave him a long, passionate kiss.

A flash went off, and everyone looked over to Peter, who had Coco's camera in his hand.

"Oops." He chuckled when James gave him a fake glare.

"Never thought i'd see that sight." Coco sighed, looking at James and Lily as they celebrated together. The whole quidditch team was being praised, as they deserved.

"Coco!" James cheered, letting go of Lily and bringing his best friend into a tight hug.

"You did amazing." She whispered, then urged him to return to the party.

"RUM!" Sirius yelled, as if he has just seen the most beautiful thing in the world. He opened the cork, and liquid flowed down the bottle, and down his arm as he held it high in the air.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" James celebrated and excitingly went over to Sirius, pouring himself a glass.

"I'm not gonna drink today, I tend to do stupid things when drunk." Coco said with a small laugh, when she arrived next to Remus. In truth, she was afraid she'd kiss Remus. When drunk, her strongest impulses always came true.

"I wasn't planning on it either." Remus said with a small smile.

The party went on for an hour, until the Quidditch team was too tired from the game to stand. James had passed out on the couch with Lily, and Sirius was dozing off by the fire. Everyone else had gone up to bed, besides Remus and Coco, the only ones left awake. They stood, looking over the sight of the warm and chaotic Gryffindor common room.

"Don't know why I'm not tired." Coco stated awkwardly.

"Fancy a walk to the kitchens? I could use a cup of hot chocolate." Remus admitted, and Coco happily nodded.

"Can I just change first? These clothes are awfully uncomfortable." She said.

"I'd like to change too." Remus agreed, and they both went their separate ways for a moment. Coco came back out in sweatpants and a tight white tank top, and fuzzy socks. She saw Remus waiting for her. He had a pullover navy blue sweatshirt, and grey sweatpants. His light brown curls were messier then usual, and he as well had fuzzy socks. She couldn't help but think how incredibly cute he looked.

"Cute socks, Lupin." Coco giggled and winked. His fuzzy socks were white with golden snitches patterned on them.

"I could say the same thing." He replied, and looked down at Coco's. Hers were beige, and had little red hearts all over them. She glanced at the fire, and noticed that Sirius laid next to it, now snoring. She then looked over at James and Lily, asleep on the couch, and laughed. Remus gave her a confused look as they began walking towards the exit.

"Bet he smells awful." Coco said. Remus stopped walking for a second, muttering, "Oh, wait."

He pulled out the Marauders Map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He whispered with his wand on the empty parchment. It quickly formed into the usual map.

"Filch is lurking near the kitchens, but he'll probably leave by the time we get there." Remus said, then shoved the map into his pocket.

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