1 • prologue •

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Colette Fawley

Status: Pureblood, 'Sacred Twenty-Eight.'

Family: Daughter of Tallulah Fawley, Antonin Fawley. Sister of Jaxius Fawley.

Year: 6

Friends: Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans, Judith Yaxley, Severus Snape.

House: Ravenclaw


If asked, Coco Fawley would say that her life was perfectly simple, thank you very much. She doesn't particularly like the idea of not having everything in control, figured out, and solved. Therefore to others, her life seemed easy. That's what she wanted the others to think. Yet, Coco's life was far from it, as she was not only a pureblood going against her expected beliefs, but she was also the only female Marauder, the mastermind behind all the pranks - the plan-maker - able to avoid any trouble. Proud to be an intelligent Ravenclaw, yet surrounded by Gryffindor companions.

Her intelligence had given her the reputation of 'knowing every word in the dictionary,' as others would put it. Yet her favorite accomplishment was being an antimagus along with her friends.

Being a marauder and all, Colette's life was rather interesting. But Coco wasn't expecting what was to come for her in her 6th year, when she realizes that her friendly love for Remus Lupin has been more then that, all along.

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