Leaving Mirkwood

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Rhiannon and Tauril found Legolas in the cellar.

"What happened?" Legolas asked.

"Your father hit her." Tauril replied. Legolas balled his fists and stormed out of the cellar. Rhiannon's ears perked as she heard keys being moved.

"Bilbo...?" Rhiannon breathed,"I got to go." Rhiannon ran up the stairs and followed Bilbo.

"Not in here your not." Rhiannon heard Bilbo whisper to the dwarves.

"Bilbo!" Rhiannon said loud enough for him to hear.

"Rhiannon! What are you doing?" Thorin yelled.Bilbo looked from Rhiannon to Thorin. He didnt know what to do so he just started opening the cell doors for all the dwarves.

"This way." Rhiannon motioned for them to follow her.

"In the barrels." Bilbo demanded.

"Do as he says." Thorin added. They all go in barrels except for Rhiannon and Bilbo.

"Bilbo you need to go NOW!" Rhiannon demanded. Bilbo jumped in landing in the water next to Bofur.

"Hey what is going on here?" Rhiannon heard Legolas ask.Rhiannon turned to face him and came face to face with Thranduil instead.

"Umm..." Rhiannon stuttered. Rhiannon stared after Thorin and the company. Thranduil look Rhiannon's face in his hands and stared into her eyes.

"I am so sorry I hit you." Thranduil apologized. Rhiannon couldnt look at him after everything.

"I got to go." Was all she said before leaving Thranduil in the cellar. Rhiannon grabbed her bow from her back and shot down a Orc who was trying to kill Bifur.

"Kili!" Fili yelled. Rhiannon stopped in her tracks and looked desperately at Kili who was crying out in pain from the arrow in his leg. Rhiannon rushed over and protected him whilst he leaped back in his barrel after lifting the lever.

"You stay away from her." Thorin yelled throwing an axe at an Orcs head when he was trying to kill Rhiannon. Rhiannon smiled down at him and killed even more Orcs. The company swam further away down the river before they got to a small little island that they could rest for a bit on. Rhiannon helped Kili up and bandaged up his leg.

"Once we get somewhere where I can get some medicine for you I will fix that right up." Rhiannon explained to Kili, who just nodded his head.Rhiannon went up to Thorin and smiled weakly.

"Why didnt you stay with them?" he asked.

"Because for one I love you and I could not just abandon you guys." Rhiannon smiled.Thorin rolled his eyes.

"What is your problem?" Rhiannon asked.

"I saw you with him!"Thorin yelled. Everyone stood there staring at them not knowing what to do.

"With who, Thorin?" Rhiannon questioned.

"It doesnt matter!" Thorin whispered, "We are done."

"What? Thorin who did you see me with?"Rhiannon cried, "Thranduil? Dwalin? Who?"

"I saw you with Dwalin! Dont play dumb with me.I saw you all over him" Thorin yelled. Rhiannon could feel the tears in her eyes.

"At the entrance to Mirkwood?" Rhiannon cried out, "He was comforting me! I could feel the sickness in that forest." Thorin stood there not knowing what to say. He felt so stupid for jumping to conclusions.

"Rhiannon, I am so sorry I thought-"Thorin exclaimed.

"Yea I know exactly what you thought you big arsehole!" Rhiannon yelled, the tears running free from her eyes. Rhiannon turned away and walked to a nearby rock and sat down. She put her head in her hands and just cried.

"Rhiannon, I am so sorry." Thorin said, apologetically. Rhiannon looked away from him and gave him the silent treatment.

"Fine, dont talk to me. Lets go." Thorin smirked, just as a bargeman from Laketown drew his bow on Thorin.

"Who are you and what are you doing in these parts?" he asked.Everyone looked at him pale as a ghost.Rhiannon stood up and walked up to the bargeman.

"Hello, umm, I dont think you will need that." Rhiannon said, putting her hand on the bow.

"That boat has seen better days."Balin started, "Would you mind taking us to Lake town we will pay you double." Bard looks at us up and down before deciding.

"Fine but once we get closer to Lake Town you will have to ride in those barrels." Bard explained. Rhiannon looked down casually at her feet not daring to look at anyone. Thorin looked at Rhiannon with a sad expression on his face.

"Get in the barrels now!" the bargeman exclaimed,"If you value your freedom you will do as I say." Once they got into their barrels Bard got out and spoke to the guards.

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