The Beginning

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The company started on their way out of the vast green lands of The Shire. Rhiannon looked over her shoulder every few seconds to see if Master Baggins might be running up to them.

"Dont waste your breath, lass." Dwalin told Rhiannon when he noticed her looking back towards the halflings house. Rhiannon smiled weakly.

"Do you wish to bet on that Master Dwalin?" Rhiannon asked smirking.

Dwalin glared at her for a moment before saying," 5 gold pieces says he wont come."

"Your on!" Rhiannon laughed. Kili and Fili came up behind her after Dwalin trotted up to Thorin.

"Wow I didnt know elfs bet!" Fili said.

"Obviously you didnt do your homework on improper elfs, Master Fili." Rhiannon smirked. Kili laughed at his brother, Fili glared at him in return. Rhiannon giggled at the brothers.

"Wait! Wait!" Rhiannon heard Bilbo in the distance. She stopped her horse and turned around.

"I signed it." Bilbo said handing the contract to Balin.

"Everything seems to be in order." Balin said, "Welcome Bilbo Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshiled."

"Get him a pony." Thorin demanded.

"What? No I prefer to walk, thank you." Bilbo cowarded. Before he knew any better Fili and Kili hoisted Bilbo up on a pony. Rhiannon smirked as Bilbo adjusted himself on his pony.

They traveled for quite some time before Bilbo panicked,"Stop! We have to go back!"

"What on earth is the matter?" Gandalf asked quite annoyed by the halfling.

"I forgot my handkerchief."Bilbo exclaimed.

"Here use this." Bifur said ripping off a piece of cloth from his clothes and tossed it back towards Bilbo. Bilbo looked at the rag with a disgusting look. Rhiannon rolled her eyes at the halfling.

"Move on!" Thorin demanded. Rhiannon kicked her pony and rode up behind Thorin listening in on his and Balins conversation. Which wasnt that hard to do actually. They traveled a little while longer till they got to a place where they could make camp. Rhiannon rolled out her bed roll in between Fili and Kili near the fire that Bofur started.
"What was that?" Bilbo asked after they all heard an Orc skretch in the cold still air.

"That was an Orc." Fili replied.

"They strike in the wee hours of the night when everyone is asleep." Kili added. Both Fili and Kili laughed when they saw they succeeded at scaring the poor little halfling.

"You think a night raid by Orcs is funny?" Thorin scolded.

"We didnt mean anything by it." Kili said sheepishly.

"No you know nothing of the world." Thorin sighed.

"Dont mind him laddy he has more reason then most to hate Orcs." Balin explained to the Durin Brothers. Then Balin went into how they fought the Orcs at Moria and how Thorin was one he could follow. When Thorin turned around everyone who was asleep was now standing staring at Thorin. Thorin went back to where he was sitting earlier and tried to go asleep. Rhiannon laid down and slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

"Lass wake up!" Dwalin shook Rhiannon awake. Rhiannon stirred and opened her eyes with a snap.

"Im awake. I am awake!" Rhiannon snapped. She yawned as she got up to roll up her sleeping bag. Rhiannon stared off into space as they rode passed more trees and even more green fields.

"Gandalf can you do anything about this rain?" Gloin asked.

"It is raining Master Gloin, and it will continue to rain until it stops. If you wish for it to stop find yourself another wizard." Gandalf replied, annoyed.

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