Bilbo Baggins

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Rhiannon made the journey to the Shire.Once she got there she looked around at the vast green land around her. When she gets off her pony, a little hobbit girl came up to her with a smile.

"Are you lost?" she asks Rhiannon.

"Yes I am.Do you mind telling me where Bilbo Baggins lives?" Rhiannon asked, nicely.

"He lives right there miss.Are you an elf?" she asks, "By the way my name is Tally."

"Yes Tally I am an elf and thank you so very much." Rhiannon replies.

"No problem." Tally responded. Rhiannon smiled and guided her horse up to the house with the glowing dwarf ruin. Rhiannon tied her horse up to the nearest post and then went and knocked on the cute little door.

"Coming!" Rhiannon heard someone say from inside.A small hobbit opened the door and sighed.

"Rhiannon at your service Master hobbit." Rhiannon introduced herself to the shocked looking hobbit.

"Bilbo Baggins at yours, M'Lady." Bilbo bowed slightly at the waist. Rhiannon walked through the threshold and into the kitchen where everyone else was.

"Rhiannon, my dear girl. so glad you could make it." Gandalf exclaimed.

"Why wouldnt I....." Rhiannon smiled warmly.She feels a pair of eyes on her and looks to see a young brunette starring at her.

"Something wrong master dwarf?" Rhiannon asked him. His face went red and looked away immediately. Everyone one including the brunette laughed, then there was a very loud knock at the door.

"Hes here." Gandalf whispered. Rhiannon looked at him crossly wondering who he could of meant.

"Gandalf I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way twice." Thorin said, as everyone was at Gandalfs heels trying to see who was at the door.

"Bilbo, Rhiannon I would like you to meet the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf explained.

"Tell Master Baggins what is your weapon of choice?" Thorin questioned.

"What?" Bilbo choked,"I have some skill at conkers if you must know. But I dont see how that is relevant."

"Figured as much. He is more of a grocer than a burglar." Thorin smirked. Rhiannon giggled to herself.

"A women Gandalf? I will not let her come on this journey." Thorin admitted. Rhiannon smirked and he glared back at her.

Something about her is so familiar.Thorin thought to himself.

"Do not underestimate her Thorin Oakenshield." Gandalf admitted.Thorin smirked to himself ignoring Gandalf. Thorin went into the dining room and sits at the head of the table with Gandalf on his left side and Rhiannon on his right.

"Did they all come?" Balin asked.

"Ay they did." Thorin replied.

"Will they fight with us?" Dwalin asked.

"They say that this is our quest and ours alone." Thorin replied.

"And we only number thirteen. Not of the brightest or strongest either." Balin admitted.

"Do you forget that we have a wizard in our company. He would have killed thousands of dragons in his time." The brunette, Kili said. Gandalf coughed nervously. Rhiannon knew exactly how many dragons Gandalf killed. None.

~Later that night~

They were sitting in the living room looking into the fire in the fireplace. Thorin started humming and then started singing:

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