Leaving Rivendell

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Rhiannon walked down the stairs towards the company, but before she got all the way down Thorin stood in front of her.

"Need something, your majesty?" Rhiannon bowed mockingly. Thorin smirked, clearly amused.

"Rhiannon, I can not let you continue on this quest." Thorin admitted.

"Why not?" Rhiannon asked.

"Because I can not risk you dying." Thorin replied. Rhiannon looked Thorin in the eyes and saw compassion for her.

"I dont want you to die either, Thorin Oakenshield." Rhiannon stated, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Rhiannon, may I talk to you for a moment?" Gandalf asked. Rhiannon nodded before following Gandalf to the Galley. Once they arrived at the Galley Rhiannon sat down on the bench.

"Rhiannon, we both know that you need to go on this adventure if Thorin Oakenshield likes it or not. Now Saurman is going to be following them on his way back to his home in the Valley right behind Lake Town." Gandalf started, "He has agreed to help you."

"Thank you Gandalf for all your help." Rhiannon smiled and hugged him before taking off. Rhiannon grabbed her bag that she put outside her room the night before. As she got closer she saw Saurman waiting for her. She smiled at the tall white bearded man.

"Thank you so much Saurman." Rhiannon smiled half-heartedly.

"My pleasure Lady Rhiannon." Saurman replied as they started down their path after the dwarves.

After what seemed like days Rhiannon could finally see the dwarves up ahead.

"This is where I leave you M'lady." Saurman breathed heavily. Rhiannon nodded knowing that he must go.Rhiannon bid him farewell and travelled closer behind the dwarves. Once she got behind Bilbo she smiled to herself for having the opportunity to see Erebor. For she has rarely been out of Rivendale let alone to the greatest Dwarven kingdom. As it started to rain Rhiannon pulled up her hood and made sure she didnt slip.

"Watch out!" she heard Dwalin say as a boulder came crashing over head.

"This is no thunderstorm it is a thunder battle!" Balin said.

"You mean to tell me that the legends are true?" Rhiannon said to herself, which got her a weird look from most of the dwarves, including Bilbo.

"I thought I told you to stay in Rivendale with your family!" Thorin said stubbornly.

"Do you honestly think I would let you do this on your own Mr. stubborn pants?" Rhiannon smiled as Thorin just glared at her. Rhiannon shrugged it off and kept going no matter what he said. as they went further down the path Rhiannon could feel her feet slipping. Then all of a sudden the ledge they were on turned out to be a rock giant.

~Some time later~

They found a small decent looking cave to get some sleep.Rhiannon lay beside Thorin and Dwalin to keep warm.Bilbo couldnt sleep because of all the snoring so he decided he would grab his things and make his way back to Rivendale.

Bofur who was on first watch asked, "Where do you think your going?"

"Back to Rivendale. Thorin said I should not have came and he was right."Bilbo explained.

"Bilbo, Thorin is just a stubborn meanie pants, dont listen to him."Rhiannon explained, while getting hit playfully in the side. Rhiannon slapped Thorin on the arm.

"You are apart of the company." Bofur explained. Bilbo sighed.

"What is that?" Rhiannon asked. Bilbo looked down at his sword, which was glowing blue.

"Get up!!" Thorin yelled, before being plummeted into a dark hole, that went down into Goblin Town.

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